Solomon's Split Decision


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
On Pax: regarding the story of Solomon and his wise problem solving:
the story of the two mothers and the baby- the child who lived was Michael.
The real mother claimed him and the false mother tried to lay claim of him after she lost her son.
Very telling rendition of the story with many interesting parallels to the 2 Spiritual Woman (brides) at odds today.
“We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.”
Golda Meir
How about Golda Meir to say.

we can only have peace with the Arabs when we love our children more than we hate them?

I think its a rather dumb saying, it says we don't care if you kill our kids, but you make us kill yours.

Always projecting on someone else, good strategy, blame your actions on others.
real mother would rather give up the child than see it killed

A mother's love
Penelope, by that standard Radicalized Palestinians hiding behind their children and populations in order to strike Israel from within schools and hospitals are: YOUR OWN QUOTE: "Always projecting on someone else"
when they blame Israel for civilian casualties. Which by the way is their intent in doing so in the first place, sacrifice their woman and children and the sick for sake of trying to sway public opinion and fool the naive.
That would be you Penelope, they think you are foolish, an easy mark enough to take the bait and you did. *claps*
He offered to split the baby in two....the women whose child it was would rather give the child to the women who stole her child and have the child live.... The other women would prefer that solomon do exactly that and have the child die... One could say israel today is the split baby there are no solomons bright enough in all the worlds government to solve the problem because they all want to split the baby and kill it....if they looked at solomon and gave the land to the one who loves it the most it could have been solved long ago..
So this brings us back to my previous tri layer point on prophecy.
1)the historical reference used to learn and recognize resemblences for future reference=prophecy.
2)the repeat prophetic lesson learned but it's
YERUSHALEM as reference to the splitting the BABY- BECAUSE
Shalem=Evening star=Michael.
3) the spiritual resemblence aka my post is about the 2 brides fighting over the groom (the prized baby born out of these birthing pains).
The bride who lost her son (the false groom) is looking to steal the other brides son.
It always seems to be that way three times lucky will see if jeb bush fulfills his destiny after all it was the jeb u sites that built yerushalem in the first place....i know another bush... Funny how we had george bush sr followed by 8 wasted years of billy bob clinton then george w bush followed by 8 wasted years of obama... Now jeb....of course this is just conjecture on my part but we shall see....
do not try logic with Penelope-----she cannot even prove that her catechism nun was not sucking the priest whilst teacher her "who killed jesus" (in fact catholics have yet to PROVE that jesus existed-----there is no record------it is FOR THE POPE TO PROVE)

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