Soldier Porn


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Objective reporting on the SEAL team that killed bin Laden was as easy to find as a Prius at a Michele Bachmann rally. The media simply couldn’t help themselves. They couldn’t stop spooning out man-sized helpings of testosterone -- the SEALs’ phallic weapons, their frat-house, haze-worthy training, their romance-novel bravado, their sweaty, heaving chests pressing against tight uniforms, muscles daring to break free...
You get the point. Towel off and read on.

What is it about the military that turns normally thoughtful journalists into war pornographers? A reporter who would otherwise make it through the day sober spends a little time with some unit of the U.S. military and promptly loses himself in ever more dramatic language about bravery and sacrifice, stolen in equal parts from Thucydides, Henry V, and Sergeant Rock comics.
Soldier Porn: Why Do Reporters Act Like Giddy Schoolgirls Around the Military? | World | AlterNet
My guess would be enormous respect. And gratitude, with some honor thrown in.

That takes care of a couple of journalists, what about the rest?

Very funny. You really think there's only a handful of journalists who honor and respect the military? If that were true, then the OP's post about so many of 'em getting all lathered up must be wrong. Or maybe you think it's all hypocritical nonsense, false pandering as it were.
It's part and parcel of many cultures to be obsessed with and glorify violence and people engaged in violent professions. In the United States this is reinforced by a well-developed propaganda machine which is in turn aided by the fact that the war machine it glorifies is given many opportunities to display it's power.
They seem to have forgotten what a great warrior stated.

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. […] Is there no other way the world may live?
Objective reporting on the SEAL team that killed bin Laden was as easy to find as a Prius at a Michele Bachmann rally. The media simply couldn’t help themselves. They couldn’t stop spooning out man-sized helpings of testosterone -- the SEALs’ phallic weapons, their frat-house, haze-worthy training, their romance-novel bravado, their sweaty, heaving chests pressing against tight uniforms, muscles daring to break free...
You get the point. Towel off and read on.

What is it about the military that turns normally thoughtful journalists into war pornographers? A reporter who would otherwise make it through the day sober spends a little time with some unit of the U.S. military and promptly loses himself in ever more dramatic language about bravery and sacrifice, stolen in equal parts from Thucydides, Henry V, and Sergeant Rock comics.
Soldier Porn: Why Do Reporters Act Like Giddy Schoolgirls Around the Military? | World | AlterNet

The press usually pander to the prejudices of the day.

45 years ago every DOG was a war criminal (who was drafted into the killing machine)

Today (when people join the killing machine voluntarily) they're all heros and driven by patriotism.
be fair. it's not just journalists. for better or worse as a nation we've put every member of the military on a pedestal and can't stop telling them how great they are.
My guess would be enormous respect. And gratitude, with some honor thrown in.

That takes care of a couple of journalists, what about the rest?

Very funny. You really think there's only a handful of journalists who honor and respect the military? If that were true, then the OP's post about so many of 'em getting all lathered up must be wrong. Or maybe you think it's all hypocritical nonsense, false pandering as it were.
Ummmmmm, I wonder what you would have said in the 60s and 70s? Not a lot of journalistic praise for our military back then..........
Basically the media panders to the citizenry in the same way a politician panders to his/her constituency, currently military personnel are esteemed in this country, at this point in history journalistic derision will not bode well for the journalist(s) who indulge in it unless it's very specifically targeted towards certain individuals or individual who has done something very wrong.
If the overwhelming pro-military sentiment did not exist journalists wouldn't feel constrained and or concerned about their careers taking a nose dive due to the public backlash.
Objective reporting on the SEAL team that killed bin Laden was as easy to find as a Prius at a Michele Bachmann rally. The media simply couldn’t help themselves. They couldn’t stop spooning out man-sized helpings of testosterone -- the SEALs’ phallic weapons, their frat-house, haze-worthy training, their romance-novel bravado, their sweaty, heaving chests pressing against tight uniforms, muscles daring to break free...
You get the point. Towel off and read on.

What is it about the military that turns normally thoughtful journalists into war pornographers? A reporter who would otherwise make it through the day sober spends a little time with some unit of the U.S. military and promptly loses himself in ever more dramatic language about bravery and sacrifice, stolen in equal parts from Thucydides, Henry V, and Sergeant Rock comics.
Soldier Porn: Why Do Reporters Act Like Giddy Schoolgirls Around the Military? | World | AlterNet

Because most journalist hang around liberal pussys and get all exited when they see their first alpha male. When I was stationed in Washington DC I thought it was funny that my friends who served with me in the marines woud go to the national mall during an anti war protest to pick up liberal college girls. They didnt know how to handle it. Their they were. Spending all of their time around pussified american liberal males when a real man whos capable of defending himself without screaming for his aclu lawyer while in recovery at the hospital. Oh yeah! They certainly support the troops though they may not support the war. And who could blame them? Their choice is between their lazy, welfare receivin, pot smiking, long haired, unshaven, weak or overweight hippie friends who dream of a day of revolution that they are too afraid to take part in, or, a well groomed and phisically fit marine who puts his life where his mouth is. I guess everyone, to include liberal women, take it for their country every now and then.
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