Solar panels too toxic for landfills.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

And, in areas where solar farms are located, the possibility that toxic chemicals can be washed out of the panels should be of serious concern to locals. Take Fawn Lake in Virginia, where theounds of cadmium contained in the 1.8 million panels,” Sean Fogarty of Concerned Citizens of Faw construction of a solar farm ran into serious opposition from local residents.

We estimate there are 100,000 pn Lake said.

Leaching from broken panels damaged during natural events — hail storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. — and at decommissioning is a big concern.”

Wait a minute. Aren’t they supposed to save the planet?

Seems the hype isn’t turning out exactly as the eco-freaks want.

More @ Those Solar Panels Libs Said Would Save the Planet Are Too Toxic for Landfills

And, in areas where solar farms are located, the possibility that toxic chemicals can be washed out of the panels should be of serious concern to locals. Take Fawn Lake in Virginia, where theounds of cadmium contained in the 1.8 million panels,” Sean Fogarty of Concerned Citizens of Faw construction of a solar farm ran into serious opposition from local residents.

We estimate there are 100,000 pn Lake said.

Leaching from broken panels damaged during natural events — hail storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. — and at decommissioning is a big concern.”

Wait a minute. Aren’t they supposed to save the planet?

Seems the hype isn’t turning out exactly as the eco-freaks want.

More @ Those Solar Panels Libs Said Would Save the Planet Are Too Toxic for Landfills

I did a fact check on the information and a fact check on your site. Guess what, it didn't come out so good.

Factcheck says:
Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased based on story selection that strongly favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed fact checks. (10/15/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 7/26/2018)

They are owned and operated by Conservative Tribune which is off the scale right wing and a conspiracy site. Who, in turn, is owned strictly by Citizens United. There is a lot of Oil Money involved here.

Now, on to how safe the panels are. Primary construction is Silicons. There are no parts in it that can cause long term harm. And there is no liquids in it therefore, a little rain won't cause a catastrophe other than your solar panel stops working until it's repaired. The dangers are from the Electric Portions and most of those are inside the building anyway. Normal caution should be used when handling, installing or servicing these electrical components much like you would any electrical power source including power coming into the building from a Coal Fired Powerplant.

You may have to recycle your Solar Panels in about 20 to 30 years. Europe is very proactive in this. They have an organization called PV Cycle Association that recycles the panels. There are many different materiels (all solids) inside a Solar Panel. But it's less complicated than a Computer, a Car, even a Refrigerator. It also breaks down easier than the ones I listed. The problem is, there aren't any 30 year old Solar Panels in the United States. There has been ZERO or near zero need to recycle them. But when the time comes, I imagine a group like PV Cycle will lend a hand in setting up a similar system in the US.

So, I rate the article as patently false, a lie, a boondoggle, an oil company trying to dupe us all.
Solar panel history
In 1839 Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect which explains how electricity can be generated from sunlight. He claimed that “shining light on an electrode submerged in a conductive solution would create an electric current.” However, even after much research and development subsequent to the discovery, photovoltaic power continued to be very inefficient. People mainly used solar cells for the purpose of measuring light.

Over 100 years later, in 1941, Russell Ohl invented the solar cell, shortly after the invention of the transistor.

Light (photons) striking certain compounds, in particular metals, causes the surface of the material to emit electrons. Light striking other compounds causes the material to accept electrons. It is the combination of these two compounds that can cause electrons to flow through a conductor. Thereby creating electricity. This phenomenon is what we term the photo-electric effect. Photovoltaic (or PV) means sunlight converting into a flow of electrons (electricity).

More history here: Solar panel history and overview - Energy Matters - the solar experts

We seem to have been making solar trash for 180 years, with the main problem of being temporary power source, and the difficulty we have in storing it in batteries that are already full, and which deteriorate rapidly if not used promptly.

And, in areas where solar farms are located, the possibility that toxic chemicals can be washed out of the panels should be of serious concern to locals. Take Fawn Lake in Virginia, where theounds of cadmium contained in the 1.8 million panels,” Sean Fogarty of Concerned Citizens of Faw construction of a solar farm ran into serious opposition from local residents.

We estimate there are 100,000 pn Lake said.

Leaching from broken panels damaged during natural events — hail storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. — and at decommissioning is a big concern.”

Wait a minute. Aren’t they supposed to save the planet?

Seems the hype isn’t turning out exactly as the eco-freaks want.

More @ Those Solar Panels Libs Said Would Save the Planet Are Too Toxic for Landfills

I did a fact check on the information and a fact check on your site. Guess what, it didn't come out so good.

Factcheck says:
Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased based on story selection that strongly favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed fact checks. (10/15/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 7/26/2018)

They are owned and operated by Conservative Tribune which is off the scale right wing and a conspiracy site. Who, in turn, is owned strictly by Citizens United. There is a lot of Oil Money involved here.

Now, on to how safe the panels are. Primary construction is Silicons. There are no parts in it that can cause long term harm. And there is no liquids in it therefore, a little rain won't cause a catastrophe other than your solar panel stops working until it's repaired. The dangers are from the Electric Portions and most of those are inside the building anyway. Normal caution should be used when handling, installing or servicing these electrical components much like you would any electrical power source including power coming into the building from a Coal Fired Powerplant.

You may have to recycle your Solar Panels in about 20 to 30 years. Europe is very proactive in this. They have an organization called PV Cycle Association that recycles the panels. There are many different materiels (all solids) inside a Solar Panel. But it's less complicated than a Computer, a Car, even a Refrigerator. It also breaks down easier than the ones I listed. The problem is, there aren't any 30 year old Solar Panels in the United States. There has been ZERO or near zero need to recycle them. But when the time comes, I imagine a group like PV Cycle will lend a hand in setting up a similar system in the US.

So, I rate the article as patently false, a lie, a boondoggle, an oil company trying to dupe us all.
That's a similar message to the "smoking causes lung cancer" argument in behalf of the tobacco industry decades ago. Industry lawyers lied that their scientific results showed no links between cigarettes and cancer. Who are we to believe now?

And, in areas where solar farms are located, the possibility that toxic chemicals can be washed out of the panels should be of serious concern to locals. Take Fawn Lake in Virginia, where theounds of cadmium contained in the 1.8 million panels,” Sean Fogarty of Concerned Citizens of Faw construction of a solar farm ran into serious opposition from local residents.

We estimate there are 100,000 pn Lake said.

Leaching from broken panels damaged during natural events — hail storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. — and at decommissioning is a big concern.”

Wait a minute. Aren’t they supposed to save the planet?

Seems the hype isn’t turning out exactly as the eco-freaks want.

More @ Those Solar Panels Libs Said Would Save the Planet Are Too Toxic for Landfills

I did a fact check on the information and a fact check on your site. Guess what, it didn't come out so good.

Factcheck says:
Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased based on story selection that strongly favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed fact checks. (10/15/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 7/26/2018)

They are owned and operated by Conservative Tribune which is off the scale right wing and a conspiracy site. Who, in turn, is owned strictly by Citizens United. There is a lot of Oil Money involved here.

Now, on to how safe the panels are. Primary construction is Silicons. There are no parts in it that can cause long term harm. And there is no liquids in it therefore, a little rain won't cause a catastrophe other than your solar panel stops working until it's repaired. The dangers are from the Electric Portions and most of those are inside the building anyway. Normal caution should be used when handling, installing or servicing these electrical components much like you would any electrical power source including power coming into the building from a Coal Fired Powerplant.

You may have to recycle your Solar Panels in about 20 to 30 years. Europe is very proactive in this. They have an organization called PV Cycle Association that recycles the panels. There are many different materiels (all solids) inside a Solar Panel. But it's less complicated than a Computer, a Car, even a Refrigerator. It also breaks down easier than the ones I listed. The problem is, there aren't any 30 year old Solar Panels in the United States. There has been ZERO or near zero need to recycle them. But when the time comes, I imagine a group like PV Cycle will lend a hand in setting up a similar system in the US.

So, I rate the article as patently false, a lie, a boondoggle, an oil company trying to dupe us all.
That's a similar message to the "smoking causes lung cancer" argument in behalf of the tobacco industry decades ago. Industry lawyers lied that their scientific results showed no links between cigarettes and cancer. Who are we to believe now?

On the Solar Panels, I believe in physics and common sense. I don't need a cite to break it down like I did. It's a no bull breakdown. There are NO components in a modern day solar panel that can give off toxic residue, period.

You stated we have been making Solar landfill stuff for the last 180 years. You are correct but in such a small amount it's not even worth figuring. But in the last 15 years, the US has gotten very active in Solar Energy. Europe is running about 30 years. The US won't have to face the heavy recycling of solar panels for at least the next 5 years and probably not for the next 10 years. Like many other electrical components, they won't be allowed into landfills so a recycle program will have to be created much like Europe has already done.
I would like to see a study done regarding solar farms, flooding, and toxic algal blooms, here in Florida
A new study by Environmental Progress warns that toxic waste from used solar panels now poses a global environmental threat. The Berkeley-based group found that solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than nuclear-power plants. Discarded solar panels, which contain dangerous elements such as lead, chromium, and cadmium, are piling up around the world, and there's been little done to mitigate their potential danger to the environment.
A new study by Environmental Progress warns that toxic waste from used solar panels now poses a global environmental threat. The Berkeley-based group found that solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than nuclear-power plants. Discarded solar panels, which contain dangerous elements such as lead, chromium, and cadmium, are piling up around the world, and there's been little done to mitigate their potential danger to the environment.

Then it's about time we did a recycling program for them, don't you think? You present a problem, I present the solution. You got a booboo, I provide the iodine. Yes, it may hurt a little but it does the cure.

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