Solar panel manufacturers are gearing up for strong growth with record first half of year


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Solar panel manufacturers are gearing up for strong growth with record first half of year

During the first half of 2017, solar panel manufacturers announced near record amounts of new or upgraded production capacity. This new capacity, while almost 70% in China, is spread worldwide and focuses on the newest hardware trends in the industry pushing solar panel efficiency higher.

For comparison’s sake as the global numbers here are *very* large. The USA installed 14.6GW of solar power in its record-breaking 2016. The world installed 74GW last year. 2017 estimates are of 100GW installed (48GW+ in China). The world’s largest solar plants are around 1-2GW these days. And – an above average sized residential installation is 0.00001GW (10kW).
In the first and second quarter of 2017 – greater than 52GW of solar manufacturing hardware announcements were made. The volume represents to biggest mass of announcements in any first half of the year for the solar industry. The single largest two quarters in a row – at 57GW – were fourth quarter 2015 headed into the first quarter of 2016. It is expected that the second quarter numbers will be revised upward as more news is collected. The first quarter numbers were initially released around 17GW, and later revised upward to greater than 24GW. A relatively small, compared to the 40% of Q1, upward revisement of ~14% would make this largest first half, also the largest consecutive quarters we’ve ever had.
Solar power, while good for supplemental energy and space craft, will never be able to power the world unless significant development in tech is created, and even that may not do the trick. What this planets needs is a clean source of energy like fusion that we can't seem to create just yet.

Solar power does have uses though. The last canoe we went on he had a trolling motor powered by a deep cycle 12 volt marine battery. My 2 solar panels wired in parallel kept it charged when everyone told me I'd need two or three batteries for a 3 day trip.
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Let us know when solar companies make a profit, you know, what is left after expenses....

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