Socio-Pathology in politics ?

If you had the first fucking idea of what you're blabbering about you might be dangerous.

But you don't, so you're just an insolent, ignorant ankle-biter...Is that close enough to "shove it" for you, dickweed?

That's fine, you are the one acting as if I am pulling concepts out of my ass when anyone can google "reptile brain" and discover that it is a valid psychological concept that has nothing to do with hair splitting off-topic diversions of physiology.
I know what reptile brain is, you insolent asswipe.

It controls your breathing, hormones, lymphatic system, adrenaline, fight/flight response, and a myriad of other autonomic functions and responses.

What it isn't is what some pseudo-intellectual pinhead academic, who needed some whacky basis for his master's thesis, in order to try and explain the alleged intellectual superiority of his socialistic politics, says it is.

And you're the one who brought up the whole subject....But trying to shift the blame is yet another common trait amongst leftist knuckle draggers, so it's not unexpected.

It's also the term used to describe our instinctive traits such as territoriality, aggression, authoritarianism, hornyness, ruthlessness, blind faith and blind following, but you knew that.
social science acknowledges universal psychological "moral pillars", including:
  • harm / care
  • fairness / reciprocity
  • in-group / loyalty
  • authority / respect
Amongst 'western societies', moderate-conservatives rank all those "pillars" equally (3 out 5); Leftists promote the first two (4 out of 5), and demote the last two (2 out of 5). Thus, compared to the moderate-conservative baseline, Leftists denounce "harm", demand "equality" (according to their own valuations), whilst caring little for established social groups & social institutions (which they denounce as sources of "harm" & "in-equality"). Thus, conservatives care more for (western) society:

conservatives are so much more generous than liberals, giving 30% more money (even when controlled for income), donating more blood, and logging more volunteer hours (Shermer. Believing Brain, p.234)
Ergo, Leftists promote anti-(western-)sociality, by appeals to "harmful inequality".

As remedy, Leftists 'promise the (new) world', via an "unconstrained utopian vision":

unconstrained utopian vision of human nature largely accepts the blank-slate model, and believes that custom, law, and traditional [western] institutions are sources of inequality & injustice, and should therefore be heavily regulated & constantly modified from the top down; it holds that society can be engineered through government programs...

it deems physical & intellectual differences largely to be the result of unjust & unfair social systems that can be re-engineered through social planning, and therefore people can be shuffled across socioeconomic classes that were artificially created through unfair & unjust political, economic, and social systems inherited from history (Shermer. Believing Brain, p.245; Greek u-topos means "no place", i.e. Marxism is the "road to no-where")
Ergo, Leftists identify themselves as "Top", "Big Government", Justified in experimenting, via social-engineering, with the entire human world population, for Their Benefit; Leftists dis-identify, with western society (which They "man-handle" via Big Government, with aim of "wiping the slate clean").


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