Socialist Intervention Healing Housing Market! Bain Now Funding Lawyers(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The recent Obama-Biden Stimulus spending, and the Refundable Income Tax Credit replaced with the payroll-tax holiday--those plus QE2: Are now engaged in their healing mission! Socialists do know about healing and faith(?)! The Housing Recovery is underway, and with no thanks to private equity funding.

Economy Watch - Housing market shows early signs of healing

The RNC will famously showcase the recent Bain website support of the lawyers as their alternative for the economy. Romney will say, "It's the experience I have that matters!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Senator Barry Goldwater once offered, "A Choice, Not An Echo!" Mostly, anyone knew what that meant at the time: "Why don't YOU got out there, and inherit a department store?!?" RNC has long had their version of the American Dream!)
The recent Obama-Biden Stimulus spending, and the Refundable Income Tax Credit replaced with the payroll-tax holiday--those plus QE2: Are now engaged in their healing mission! Socialists do know about healing and faith(?)! The Housing Recovery is underway, and with no thanks to private equity funding.

Economy Watch - Housing market shows early signs of healing

The RNC will famously showcase the recent Bain website support of the lawyers as their alternative for the economy. Romney will say, "It's the experience I have that matters!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Senator Barry Goldwater once offered, "A Choice, Not An Echo!" Mostly, anyone knew what that meant at the time: "Why don't YOU got out there, and inherit a department store?!?" RNC has long had their version of the American Dream!)


"The housing recovery is on it's way??"

I bought my house outright for 45k, it sold in 2006 for 140k, presently it is worth 45k.

I don't even care...

It's nice to not have a mortgage or rent....

The "housing crisis" will take several more years to heal..... Not to mention unproductive squatters (OWS) don't help the situation either....

We have young people in their 20's and 30's running around and throwing feces and urine at productive people while they should be productive people. Throwing human waste at people isn't productive.

No wonder why they breed diseases.

OWS is bad for the housing market...
Hoarding among the rich, spreading the wealth around--among the rich: Is everywhere what the fall campaign will likely be about! Private equity funding--The Romney Experience--leaves no doubt about what Bain Capital is on!

Bain Capital Ventures | Why Us? | What We Do

It is not clear from the website, or from the Romney exerience(?), if Mayor Cory Booker is among the connections. There is a fellow who runs into other people's houses--when they are on fire(?)! (Maybe not very much money, after all(?)!) One thing is clear from the website! There is no limit to what you get from the Romney Experience: As long as you have a lot of money! You don't even have to expect making any more money!

No doubt the Romney Experience explains the social networking IPO of last Friday. "Connections For Sale! Who Will buy my Rich Connections!"

Here the Tea Party, GOP: Presents its fresh, new approach, to federal administration: Regardless of the level!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe bring back Reverend Jeremiah Wright, after all! Here anyone sees what the Ivy League means by that "celebratory ambiance," that characterizes Commencement: Of The Student Loan Repayments(?)! All Praise to Romney and the GOP! Repay! Repay! Repay! Possibly a campaign issue!)
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Romney is clearly to blame for the Facebook debacle. It's on his permanent record, or so he so-states.

Comforting as it is to know that a potential President of the United States, and his kind, are potentially behind the brewing scandal about the over-estimate of Facebook earnings: Mostly it likely pisses people off that the MS patient so easily intends the harm of kazillions, on the planet. That would be Mrs. Romney.

And so like for Mrs. Romney, from Mitt: Now there is the cold cereal instead! Bain is still pushing the insider connections and trading, shown in their link, above.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Rep Bachmann, even: Left with so many children, she clearly doesn't know what to do, or say, or remember, or learn. . .or probably even to pray to Great Spirit of Indigenous Americans! Hmmm! GOP not too supportive of families with the so many children, on the Welfare!)

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