Socialism explained to simpletons

Trickle down economics is just a nonsense.

Here is Trickle down economics(A liberal creation) and how it works for liberals.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa, where is my money, it was supposed to go from the uber rich liberals down to my sorry ass, Obama fucked me royally again. Blame White for my problems...Does that sum it up?

There is a missing group in that video.... the middle class. The group of 10 people sitting i. The middle of the economy. Many of them work for the millionaire. They earn a living rather than taking from the Government.

What Socialism does is to take $4000 from each of those 10 in the middle and gives half of it to the billionaire and half to the wastes of flesh and oxygen. This middle group would prefer to keep the money they worked for rather than seeing the Government redistribute it to the billionaire who won’t do anything with it and the wastes of flesh and oxygen who don’t deserve it.

Trickle down economics is just a nonsense.


Gosh, over half a century of sanctions and embargo imposed on Cuba, and they still give capitalism, the finger. You might just as well change the caption to "Before Trump" and "After Trump" given the US itself is heading for a recession.

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