Social Justice Warrior Spews right wing Talking points


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Absolute dissection of todays society. Hate is prime mover along with a facts be damned attitude, full speed ahead to the guillotines.

Social Justice Bullies The Authoritarianism of Millennial Social Justice Medium
This particular brand of social justice advocacy assaults reason in a particularly frightening way — by outright denying it and utilizing fear-mongering to discourage dissent. There is no gray: only black and white. One must mimic the orthodoxy or be barred forcibly from the chapel and jeered at by the townspeople. To disagree with the millennial social justice orthodoxy is to make a pariah of oneself willingly. Adherence to the narrative is the single litmus test for collegiate (and beyond) social acceptance these days.
Yep, and it's being taught to your children in the schools, universities, etc
that's what the Obama's goes around giving speeches about. remember he said to: get in peoples faces, don't believe the tales of how government is the Tyrants. etc.

remember the Ten Planks of communism? they've pretty much succeeded in all ten of them. but

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