

Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
It's being reported on Fox News, The Number One Source of News in the USA, that obie wan and his doj don't want the health care law to go to the SCOTUS.. wonder why??
Well, yer right. I can't think of no damned good reason either. Cept they are scaredeeeee cats.
If I knew how to link I would link to a story out of texas. Judge Kithil of Marble Falls, Tx. Wrote an outline of the Health Care Bill HB3200. One of the points is page 50/section152, the bill will provide insurance for all non-u.s. residents, even if they are here illegally. Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individuals bank account to make electronic fund transfer from those accounts. These two provisions alone make this bill a socialist bill and unconstitutional. They cannot legally argue this, try.
I think the Obama admin. wants to play this out as long as possible in hopes one of the more conservative Supreme Court Justices might die or retire, increasing the odds of a tie or a win to their healthcare ambitions. It is all a political play, naturally.
Seems to me that the question of the Health Care bill ruling being done now, as to whether it is Constitutional, in certain parts , should be - Is it Constitutional for a large bill that takes over 1/6th of the economy , Constitutional, passing it by one party rule? I thought we were a 2 party system.
Seems to me that the way it was passed is unconstitutional and that is what we should be taking it to the courts for.
It's being reported on Fox News, The Number One Source of News in the USA, that obie wan and his doj don't want the health care law to go to the SCOTUS.. wonder why??

They want to drag this out. Their strategy is to claim that because the individual mandate doesn't go into effect until 2014, they can continue implementing the other aspects of ObamaCare. Delay will allow them to get the government and the ecomony "so pregnant" with O-Care, that they can then make the claim that voiding it will creating an economic calamity.

This is why a couple of states are now trying to accelerate the SCOTUS process. They don't want to expend funds to comply with the law and enable the Obama strategy.
It's being reported on Fox News, The Number One Source of News in the USA, that obie wan and his doj don't want the health care law to go to the SCOTUS.. wonder why??

They want to drag this out. Their strategy is to claim that because the individual mandate doesn't go into effect until 2014, they can continue implementing the other aspects of ObamaCare. Delay will allow them to get the government and the ecomony "so pregnant" with O-Care, that they can then make the claim that voiding it will creating an economic calamity.

This is why a couple of states are now trying to accelerate the SCOTUS process. They don't want to expend funds to comply with the law and enable the Obama strategy.

But,, the govenors of about 30 states have decided not to prepare to implement the obiewancare because of the Federal Judges ruling in Florida..
It's being reported on Fox News, The Number One Source of News in the USA, that obie wan and his doj don't want the health care law to go to the SCOTUS.. wonder why??

They want to drag this out. Their strategy is to claim that because the individual mandate doesn't go into effect until 2014, they can continue implementing the other aspects of ObamaCare. Delay will allow them to get the government and the ecomony "so pregnant" with O-Care, that they can then make the claim that voiding it will creating an economic calamity.

This is why a couple of states are now trying to accelerate the SCOTUS process. They don't want to expend funds to comply with the law and enable the Obama strategy.

The longer this law takes to work its way through the judicial branch, the better--from the admin's position.

If I remember right the appeals courts in both districts are shaded in the admin's favor regarding this law. And I think Kennedy's going to end up being the fence sitter once again, so maybe one of these appeals courts' opinion could influence him in a way that benefits the admin's position.

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