*So You Want To Be President: Kiss FBI Ring Before*

Do you believe USA is controlled by FBI, CIA,NSA?

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. Yes its a fact.
  2. If you win an election you had be prepared to bend to the will of the FBI, CIA, NSA, who actually control this country, American People are Shit, and are not likely to fully understand what I'm saying.
  3. So give us a wink, let us know you know we are running things, you are just a figurehead Mr. President.
  4. We got shit on you going back 50 years or more, and what we don't have we can create, thats why we see the Steel Dossier/FBI, CIA, NSA invent very true.
  5. This is all true, can you handle it?
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That will come to an end before Trump leaves office....he has their number and so do we...his supporters.....the cat is out of the bag....
That will come to an end before Trump leaves office....he has their number and so do we...his supporters.....the cat is out of the bag....
I wish you were right but they are toooo powerful and seem to become a part of Deep State. I'm afraid one person (even if that person is Trump) can't defeat that. May be together with Putin though....
Sorry bout that,

  1. Yes its a fact.
  2. If you win an election you had be prepared to bend to the will of the FBI, CIA, NSA, who actually control this country, American People are Shit, and are not likely to fully understand what I'm saying.
  3. So give us a wink, let us know you know we are running things, you are just a figurehead Mr. President.
  4. We got shit on you going back 50 years or more, and what we don't have we can create, thats what we see the the Steel Dossier/FBI, CIA, NSA invent very true.
  5. This is all true, can you handle it?

A good therapist can help you with that paranoia.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Yes its a fact.
  2. If you win an election you had be prepared to bend to the will of the FBI, CIA, NSA, who actually control this country, American People are Shit, and are not likely to fully understand what I'm saying.
  3. So give us a wink, let us know you know we are running things, you are just a figurehead Mr. President.
  4. We got shit on you going back 50 years or more, and what we don't have we can create, thats what we see the the Steel Dossier/FBI, CIA, NSA invent very true.
  5. This is all true, can you handle it?

A good therapist can help you with that paranoia.

WHEN leftist loons who suffer from mental illness tell those who are very well INFORMED it is not paranoia moron , and I will take being informed any day of the week. Unlike a useless idiot who choose to deny EVERYTHING.

do you post to the world your checking account number oh you must be paranoid

wake the hell up it's all right in front of you mental cases..
"We are ruled, though it may be difficult to imagine, by a small dynastic power structure, largely consisting of powerful banking families, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others. They emerged in controlling the financial system, extended their influence over the political system, the educational system, and, through the major foundations, have become the dominant social powers of our world, creating think tanks and other institutions which shape and change the course of society and modern human history."
Andrew Gavin Marshall

"I wouldn't call it fascism exactly, but a political system nominally controlled by an irresponsible, dumbed down electorate who are manipulated by dishonest, cynical, controlled mass media that dispense the propaganda of a corrupt political establishment can hardly be described as democracy either"
columnist Edward Zehr

"The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations.
But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world.
The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up... It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order."

Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"

"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The ruling class keeps the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other. Anything different, that's what they're gonna talk about - race, religion, ethnic and national background, jobs, income, education, social status, sexuality - anything they can do to keep us fighting with each other, so that they can keep going to the bank."
George Carlin

"You can either be informed and be your own rulers, or you can be ignorant and have someone else, who is not ignorant, rule over you."
Julian Assange

Sorry bout that,

  1. Yes its a fact.
  2. If you win an election you had be prepared to bend to the will of the FBI, CIA, NSA, who actually control this country, American People are Shit, and are not likely to fully understand what I'm saying.
  3. So give us a wink, let us know you know we are running things, you are just a figurehead Mr. President.
  4. We got shit on you going back 50 years or more, and what we don't have we can create, thats what we see the the Steel Dossier/FBI, CIA, NSA invent very true.
  5. This is all true, can you handle it?

A good therapist can help you with that paranoia.

WHEN leftist loons who suffer from mental illness tell those who are very well INFORMED it is not paranoia moron , and I will take being informed any day of the week. Unlike a useless idiot who choose to deny EVERYTHING.

do you post to the world your checking account number oh you must be paranoid

wake the hell up it's all right in front of you mental cases..

I don't read crazy posts from what appears to be extremely paranoid people.

Like I said, a therapist can help with the paranoia.
According to sources there is a real conspiracy among the CIA, NSA, FBI as well as other Federal law enforcement agencies. The conspiracy is immense and growing.

The problem they had figuring out how to communicate with each other. They knew their communications were being monitored and investigated by such nefarious forces like the MSM.

At a secret meeting held at Las Vega Convention Center they came up with a brilliant plan to avoid detection.

They would pass hidden notes in boxes at supermarkets. They would use the secret decoder rings they received at the Convention Center to decrypt the messages.

The messages would be in specially marked boxes in the snack section. These marked boxes are called:

Ding Dongs
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Sorry bout that,

  1. Like I said, most won't be able to wrap their mind around the truth.
  2. Most will never be ready.


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