So why did the black firefighters perform poorly?

Why do you think the black firefighters performed poorly?

  • A) They're probably not as smart on average

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • B) They probably didn't study as hard as the white guys

    Votes: 18 56.3%
  • C) Both A & B

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • D) The white guys cheated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E) My PC indoctrination requires I see only racial bias in the exam

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
So why do YOU think the black firefighters performed poorly relative to their white colleagues on the firefighter's promotion eligibility exam?

I'll post a poll, but go ahead and post your thoughts.
As a public school teacher I can say that blacks are definitely not too dumb to pass tests. They are just taught that tests don't matter and only stuoid white people study instead of going out getting pussy.
So why do YOU think the black firefighters performed poorly relative to their white colleagues on the firefighter's promotion eligibility exam?

I'll post a poll, but go ahead and post your thoughts.

Blacks have, on average, an IQ 15 points lower than whites. This has been known since World War I, when the military first began testing. This difference is largely, as discussed in the Bell Curve, INHERITED. In other words, you can't change it.

So, essentially, whites are punished in our society because blacks are just naturally dumber.

But nobody wants to think about this possibility because it's too scary: whites have invested a lot in the notion that blacks would be as smart as whites if only we stopped being so racist, and blacks have invested a lot in the notion that their problems are whites' fault. Both thoughts are obviously very comforting. But wrong.
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you know you see the inner cities and see y oung black men trying to having as many babies as they can with as many woman etc...everyone knows there is a problem but no one seems to have a viable solution to it.

one reason: if you dont have to do as well....why be bothered...

is that an attribute only blacks have...i think many of your sorry asses are stealing time.....stealing from your employer by being on the net on company time? funny how we as "white" people dont think about that...but we sure think about that black chick doing her nails on company time..etc...
Who doesn't like pussy and more money?

none of the former...more of the ladder please....

What kind? Here are a few to choose from.

They failed to work as hard, otherwise they would've been competitive. They relied on the policy they believed would work in their favor, and past arguments had come to nothing against. Otherwise we would have go believe that this group of black guys were less intelligent than their white counterparts. I say intelligent because they were all exposed to the same work requirments, knew the nomenclature, and the standards and practices.

So.....why work very hard for something you believe you will get in any case? These black firemen believed their competition was other black guys, that the white guys would be duly discounted. And that had been the case until the white guys stood up for themselves. If the black guys had studied as hard for the exam as the white guys did the results would've been closer, avoiding a court case at the end.

But having relied on the levelling process, which that did not result, they may have begun to undo that policy and in the end black folks competing with whites will see the need to compete as equals, not presuming already having a leg up.
They failed to work as hard, otherwise they would've been competitive. They relied on the policy they believed would work in their favor, and past arguments had come to nothing against. Otherwise we would have go believe that this group of black guys were less intelligent than their white counterparts. I say intelligent because they were all exposed to the same work requirments, knew the nomenclature, and the standards and practices.

So.....why work very hard for something you believe you will get in any case? These black firemen believed their competition was other black guys, that the white guys would be duly discounted. And that had been the case until the white guys stood up for themselves. If the black guys had studied as hard for the exam as the white guys did the results would've been closer, avoiding a court case at the end.

But having relied on the levelling process, which that did not result, they may have begun to undo that policy and in the end black folks competing with whites will see the need to compete as equals, not presuming already having a leg up.

Why would they presume that they had a leg up here? Their scores didn't get boosted because they were black.
Why would they presume that they had a leg up here?

Um, because the city went to such extraordinary lengths to coddle them and their "civic boosters" that the case went all the way to the fucking Supreme Court of the United States?

Other than that, not really much of a reason.
How dare the higher court reverse what the lower courts said. They are conservative judges legislating from the bench!
Why would they presume that they had a leg up here?

Um, because the city went to such extraordinary lengths to coddle them and their "civic boosters" that the case went all the way to the fucking Supreme Court of the United States?

Other than that, not really much of a reason.

So they can see into the future? They knew they would have a leg up because they would be the future?
They performed poorly because they didn't have the knowledge to pass the test. Whoever is knowledgeable and capable of taking and passing the test deserves the job, skin color be damned.
They are either stupid or lazy, eh?


All black people must be exactly alike in Mani's stereotypical world.
They are either stupid or lazy, eh?


All black people must be exactly alike in Mani's stereotypical world.

Another lie for the repository.

Neither D or E involve them being stupid or lazy. Retard.

And none of them necessarily involve being lazy... Uber-retard.

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