So what's this February FLowers? -- Buttercups are up and in bloom!


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009

This is February 4, so these were coming up before January was over. My irises are up too but not ready to bloom. This is the earliest I've EVER seen buttercups, or what some call 'March Flowers' blooming!

We have had an incredibly mild winter so far. My heat bills have been the lowest since I've lived here. But when that happens the power company just raises the rates in the spring. LOL.

That is a trumpet vine that is twining all around the buttercups. It's wild, but really pretty when it's in full bloom.
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Cut them and bring them inside. Flowers are cool. :thup:

There was a trumpet vine growing in the back yard when we moved here. Wife hacked it down- it's an invasive species. At least for this area LOL.
But the blooms are very nice.
Cut them and bring them inside. Flowers are cool. :thup:

There was a trumpet vine growing in the back yard when we moved here. Wife hacked it down- it's an invasive species. At least for this area LOL.
But the blooms are very nice.

Yeah, the trumpet vine is invasive. It grows over an old 'spur' driveway that I don't use, so I just let it be. I usually keep it off the buttercups, but last year I was so sick I couldn't do yard work. I was lucky to have someone who mowed for me.

I usually 'force' those little tiny daffodils and the hyacinths this time of year so I will fell like spring is here sooner. But wow, won't have to this year. I guess I need to step out back and see if my hyacinths are up too! I look forward to replanting my herb garden this year. Too sick last year, it perished.
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Signs of the times.

I can remember how freezing cold the winters here used to be. I would never have believed flowers this early in the year in this part of the country. There was a particular day in April I always looked forward to because I knew that by that day there would be leaves on the trees and flowers in bloom. This is just unreal. And I did look, out back. My hyacinths are up but not in bloom. I need to keep check on the so as not to miss the blooms.

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