So what will Obama do after Tuesday?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2011
Assume he loses the election. What does he do next? This has kind of been bugging me. Nobody is talking about it. Clinton put in an effort to launch Hillarys political career and become Irish. Bush retired to his Texas ranch to breed cattle or something. What will Obama do?
Assume he loses the election. What does he do next? This has kind of been bugging me. Nobody is talking about it. Clinton put in an effort to launch Hillarys political career and become Irish. Bush retired to his Texas ranch to breed cattle or something. What will Obama do?

Maybe he can start working on his library in Kenya. I am sure his brother will welcome him in and maybe raise a large goat herd together.
Assume he loses the election. What does he do next? This has kind of been bugging me. Nobody is talking about it. Clinton put in an effort to launch Hillarys political career and become Irish. Bush retired to his Texas ranch to breed cattle or something. What will Obama do?

Well, make a list of folks he's going to pardon..

Go on a goodbye tour on the tax dollar dime...

Pack up all his things...

Vacation in Hawaii...

Visit brother in disguise

Attend President Romney's inauguration.
I am kind of worried about Barry. A person goes from being God to just another shmoe on the know.

Maybe he could get a job editing a community newspaper.
Go on a long expensive vacation with the queen.
May-be he will disappear like a fart in the wind, for the good of all mankind, most did not know the man even existed 4 years ago.......:clap2:
Assume he loses the election. What does he do next? This has kind of been bugging me. Nobody is talking about it. Clinton put in an effort to launch Hillarys political career and become Irish. Bush retired to his Texas ranch to breed cattle or something. What will Obama do?

What will he do? Go sit in his chair for another four years. A good question is what will you do after he wins. I liked 2008, I am loving 2012!
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He'll run for prsident of the SEIU, might get it too.

He might just keep campaigning. He would be eligable for POTUS in 2016.

I hope he picks the pineapple plantation owner route.
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I especially liked post #15 where he moves to canada...swears he was born there and runs for Prime Minister. I am still laughing.
Assume he loses the election. What does he do next? This has kind of been bugging me. Nobody is talking about it. Clinton put in an effort to launch Hillarys political career and become Irish. Bush retired to his Texas ranch to breed cattle or something. What will Obama do?

What will he do? Go sit in his chair for another four years. A good question is what will you do after he wins. I liked 2008, I am loving 2012!

I am seriously considering just giving up. Instead of busting my ass 50+ hours every week, just...walk away. Stop being a productive member of society and just go on welfare for the rest of my life. I am very close to that point, and this election might be my tipping point.

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