So What is The Plan?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
No flames here, I am just wondering what happens now. It seem that the voters, by a narrow margin, voted for No Plan to balance the budget or address the Debt (i.e., no new taxes or spending cuts). Do we just keep borrowing $1 trillion a year? Do we let Sequestration gut our military? Taxing The Wealthy was an effective campaign slogan, but it is not a serious budgetary strategy. So, Democrats, what is the plan?
So What is The Plan?


"The Center for Reproductive Rights and other groups had petitioned the FDA to strike down age and access limits, saying there was no scientific proof that girls younger than 17 could not safely use the drug without supervision.

Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, hailed the ruling. "Women all over the country will no longer face arbitrary delays and barriers just to get emergency contraception," she said.

The ruling was also praised by medical groups including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Last year, the pediatricians recommended the physicians write advance prescriptions for patients under 17, so girls would have them in hand if they needed emergency contraception but were unable to reach a doctor."


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