So what is the big controversy about NFL nation anthem protesters?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Everyone is already very aware that the Left Wing Bigot Democrats hate our country and that the Black Racist Democrats hate White folks......yyyaaawwnnn nothing new to see here.
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The controversy is that the Pentagon has been pimping for fake patriotism, part of which includes using NFL players as marionettes to sell their USA commercial. This scandal was exposed in a Senate investigation by John McCain and Jeff Flake --- you know, those "Left Wing Bigot Democrats".

That of course was exposed almost two years ago. Prostituting patriotism with our tax dollars, that's pretty controversial. Not to mention illegal.

But now a bunch of players are ---- better sit down for this ---- refusing to play "Simon Says". And the Orange Little Man is crowing that they should be fired for refusing to go along with this mob mentality. The one prostituted with tax dollars.

They can't do that!!! Off with they heads!!

Because das kountry VILL haf EIN voice und NO VUN vill qvestion it or zere vill be das CONSEQVENCES.

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