CDZ So what does this mean to you?


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
North Koreans in Russia Work ‘Basically in the Situation of Slaves’

According to this story, many of the North Korean people are sent to & received by Russia, China and the Middle East to work. I had thought that NK had closed boarders and no one allowed out, but apparently they are. To give wages earned to Kim to support the country & his dynasty.
What bothers me about this story is the exchange between the different countries as a form of friendly partnership that are all not so friendly with the US. Didn't the UN sanction NK? Or is it just the US?
Probably the only chance a North Korean has to eat properly.
Probably the only chance a North Korean has to eat properly.

Well, that's probably very true although the story does say they are treated like dirt & working conditions are horrendous......but my thought was more of the 'friendliness' of the countries involved
Probably the only chance a North Korean has to eat properly.

Well, that's probably very true although the story does say they are treated like dirt & working conditions are horrendous......but my thought was more of the 'friendliness' of the countries involved

If you're speaking of friendliness between Russia and North Korea ... both modern nations were forged under the same ideology but I doubt seriously if there is any friendship of a formal kind. The North Korean leader needs hard coin for his nuclear ambitions and Russia needs cheap labour. It's a mutual beneficial arrangement for everyone except the poor North Korean slaves.
North Koreans in Russia Work ‘Basically in the Situation of Slaves’

According to this story, many of the North Korean people are sent to & received by Russia, China and the Middle East to work. I had thought that NK had closed boarders and no one allowed out, but apparently they are. To give wages earned to Kim to support the country & his dynasty.
What bothers me about this story is the exchange between the different countries as a form of friendly partnership that are all not so friendly with the US. Didn't the UN sanction NK? Or is it just the US?

So what does this mean to YOU?
So what does this mean to you?

Nothing worth mentioning. I don't give a damn about North Koreans working as slaves or in slave-like conditions in Russia. Why? Because they would be in much the same situation were they working in North Korea. I might feel differently were KJU not in power, but he is in power, so the plight of the DPRK's citizenry, as far as I'm concerned, isn't and won't become a priority until no longer in power be KJU and other North Koreans sharing his mindset about governance.
It means this is yet another example of why all collectivist societies suck.
It means this is yet another example of why all collectivist societies suck.

change the all to "a lot of" and I'll give ya a like or whatever they call it here.

I essentially agree but....

the more North Koreans get put on work release even in Russia the more will be even slightly exposed to the rest of the world so maybe there is a tarnished silver lining? Maybe?
What does it mean?

It mean countries like Russia, China and Iran can fuel North Korea economy by using North Korean workers that have their earnings sent back to the North Korean government.

As for sanctions, well they are great but let remember they are worthless unless the country want to abide by them.

China if I remember correctly was buying oil from Iraq and Iran when we had sanctions, so what does that tell You?

In the end what it tell me is when our leadership goes to Russia and China to put their thumb on North Korea, well they will not because of the cheap labor they obtain while keeping a puppet dictatorship In that annoys the hell out of the west...
It means this is yet another example of why all collectivist societies suck.

change the all to "a lot of" and I'll give ya a like or whatever they call it here.

I essentially agree but....

the more North Koreans get put on work release even in Russia the more will be even slightly exposed to the rest of the world so maybe there is a tarnished silver lining? Maybe?

I suppose I could imagine a collectivist scenario in which all those participating are doing so voluntarily. However, when they impose their ideas on others who have done nothing to infringe on the rights of another, it absolutely sucks.

So, I'll say the vast, vast majority. That's the best I can do for you!

Truth is, i don't really care about the North Koreans, though if they showed one iota of an independent spirit, I'd send one of them a rifle and a box of ammo (Americas actually did that pre WWII). Anyway, I say screw the fat boy kingdom. Let 'em wallow in it.
Means nothing...................That those countries opposed to the strategic goals of the United States simply don't care about who they support as long as it is against us. Or they would have taken Ping Pong Jong out a long time ago.
Better to slave in a factory than have to slave in the sheets as a hooker. Economies evolve so the most evolved economies looking down from a lofty perch ignores not everyone starts off as blessed as Americans, including poor Americans.

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