So We Now Have a Hispanic Racist on the Supreme Court...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
... well what a great day for America... we now have a gun hating, abortion loving, liberal, can make better decisions than a whitey, racist, La Raza member, BITCH sitting on the Supreme Court. And NINE republicans voted for her.

No, I have no party affiliation, and will never have again. The things this country's politicians do are mind boggling how fucked up they are, and then they sit back and congratulate themselves on what a good job they did.

Civil War... I'm ready. Try and take my fucking guns sotomayor, you fucking LIBERAL, RACIST SKANK!
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... well what a great day for America... we now have a gun hating, abortion loving, liberal, can make better decisions than a whitey, racist, La Raza member, BITCH sitting on the Supreme Court. And NINE republicans voted for her.

No, I have no party affiliation, and will never have again. The things this country's politicians do are mind boggling how fucked up they are, and then they sit back and congratulate themselves on what a good job they did.

Civil War... I'm ready. Try and take my fucking guns sotomayor, you fucking LIBERAL, RACIST SKANK!

I'm sorry, I thought it was Obama who was going to take our guns...and hasn't he done it yet?
... well what a great day for America... we now have a gun hating, abortion loving, liberal, can make better decisions than a whitey, racist, La Raza member, BITCH sitting on the Supreme Court. And NINE republicans voted for her.

No, I have no party affiliation, and will never have again. The things this country's politicians do are mind boggling how fucked up they are, and then they sit back and congratulate themselves on what a good job they did.

Civil War... I'm ready. Try and take my fucking guns sotomayor, you fucking LIBERAL, RACIST SKANK!

I'm sorry, I thought it was Obama who was going to take our guns...and hasn't he done it yet?
You're sorry? Really? Well golly gee, I didn't mean to make you SORRY.

But don't worry, you still might be right, now that racist, gun hating obama has his sock puppet, racist, gun hating judge sitting on the supreme court.
Aaaaahh... how appropriate. For once I AGREE with the decision as to where this got moved to... I SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF IT MYSELF.... PERFECT.... :lol:

Now everyone who reads this will understand that we're talking about a RACIST!
And for the two spelling nazi's, *HISPANIC* ok?

And if you're so inclined liberal mod, and you knew what I meant, please correct it now that you've pointed out my mistake... and thank you in advance.

Lovely how that's all you had to comment on.... spelling.... :lol:
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And for the two spelling nazi's, *HISPANIC* ok?

And if you're so inclined liberal mod, and you knew what I meant, please correct it now that you've pointed out my mistake... and thank you in advance.

Lovely how that's all you had to comment on.... spelling.... :lol:

What's there to comment on?

You're butthurt because of Sotomayor. Big deal.

I hate to break it to ya but that's what happens when the country elects a Democrat POTUS and gives him a big majority in both houses of Congress ... you get a liberal judge and there's nothing you can do about it.

She's replacing another liberal judge and it wont effect the balance of the court anyway.

He can complain.. still,,, we have freedom of speech.. today anyway..

we know we lost, we know elections have consequences,, we know all that,, still we can bitch,, you guys did relentlessly for eight years..

thanks for listening..
And for the two spelling nazi's, *HISPANIC* ok?

And if you're so inclined liberal mod, and you knew what I meant, please correct it now that you've pointed out my mistake... and thank you in advance.

Lovely how that's all you had to comment on.... spelling.... :lol:

What's there to comment on?

You're butthurt because of Sotomayor. Big deal.

I hate to break it to ya but that's what happens when the country elects a Democrat POTUS and gives him a big majority in both houses of Congress ... you get a liberal judge and there's nothing you can do about it.

She's replacing another liberal judge and it wont effect the balance of the court anyway.


Well... no... A15, I'm not BUTT HURT. I think you just like to say that because it sounds cool. No, I'm more DISAPPOINTED that an OPENLY PROVEN RACIST can be put in the HIGHEST COURT IN AMERICA. It's truly DISAPPOINTING.

I am looking forward to the 2010 elections though. I think those all powerful dems you speak of are going to suffer one of the biggest shellackings in recent history. So it's not just ME that's watching what's going on and is DISAPPOINTED, it's MILLIONS of others.

But you're right about her not really upsetting the balance of power on the court. The silver lining to this otherwise dark cloud.

And could I ask that if you're going to correct my misspelling, then correct it. I don't appreciate you jacking it up worse than it was.

It's odd, but my Firefox spell checker doesn't work in the title window.
... well what a great day for America... we now have a gun hating, abortion loving, liberal, can make better decisions than a whitey, racist, La Raza member, BITCH sitting on the Supreme Court. And NINE republicans voted for her.

No, I have no party affiliation, and will never have again. The things this country's politicians do are mind boggling how fucked up they are, and then they sit back and congratulate themselves on what a good job they did.

Civil War... I'm ready. Try and take my fucking guns sotomayor, you fucking LIBERAL, RACIST SKANK!

I'm sorry, I thought it was Obama who was going to take our guns...and hasn't he done it yet?
You're sorry? Really? Well golly gee, I didn't mean to make you SORRY.

But don't worry, you still might be right, now that racist, gun hating obama has his sock puppet, racist, gun hating judge sitting on the supreme court.

When can we expect this taking of our guns of which you speak?
And for the two spelling nazi's, *HISPANIC* ok?

And if you're so inclined liberal mod, and you knew what I meant, please correct it now that you've pointed out my mistake... and thank you in advance.

Lovely how that's all you had to comment on.... spelling.... :lol:

What's there to comment on?

You're butthurt because of Sotomayor. Big deal.

I hate to break it to ya but that's what happens when the country elects a Democrat POTUS and gives him a big majority in both houses of Congress ... you get a liberal judge and there's nothing you can do about it.

She's replacing another liberal judge and it wont effect the balance of the court anyway.


Well... no... A15, I'm not BUTT HURT. I think you just like to say that because it sounds cool. No, I'm more DISAPPOINTED that an OPENLY PROVEN RACIST can be put in the HIGHEST COURT IN AMERICA. It's truly DISAPPOINTING.

I am looking forward to the 2010 elections though. I think those all powerful dems you speak of are going to suffer one of the biggest shellackings in recent history. So it's not just ME that's watching what's going on and is DISAPPOINTED, it's MILLIONS of others.

But you're right about her not really upsetting the balance of power on the court. The silver lining to this otherwise dark cloud.

And could I ask that if you're going to correct my misspelling, then correct it. I don't appreciate you jacking it up worse than it was.

It's odd, but my Firefox spell checker doesn't work in the title window.

I think Sotomayer has a long way to go before she is as close to a racist as Roger Taney was. Don't you think?
It's like the old "when E.F.Hutton speaks, people listen" commercials.

I can see all of SCOTUS gathered around Sonia's wise Latina vagina to hear her ruling.

"when a wise Latina vagina speaks, white men listen"
You people got TWO WHITE DUDES last time! Give me a fucking break.
The Ricci verdict could have been a slide (maybe), but the La Raza affliation can't! Although I really don't see her being that much of a game-changer on the Court! So I can live with her.

For NOW, I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt. And I do think its good to see a Latino on the bench, I just wish saw herself as more American than a Hispanic American!
... well what a great day for America... we now have a gun hating, abortion loving, liberal, can make better decisions than a whitey, racist, La Raza member, BITCH sitting on the Supreme Court. And NINE republicans voted for her.

No, I have no party affiliation, and will never have again. The things this country's politicians do are mind boggling how fucked up they are, and then they sit back and congratulate themselves on what a good job they did.

Civil War... I'm ready. Try and take my fucking guns sotomayor, you fucking LIBERAL, RACIST SKANK!

While her comments on record make me think she has a prejudiced view of the intelligence of white men I am reserving judgement on her until I see how she decides cases that come to here now.

I know what her record shows but maybe she IS as people say and will be a good SC Justice....then again this is coming from the same guy that said give Obama a chance be the judge :lol:
Goddamn, righties.. let's just pack the fucking court with all white people. It's not good enough that you were able to bench DOS (two, if you pressed 1 for engrish) white dudes who could BARELY contain their marching orders during their confirmation... noooo no.. NOW you've to to bitch and moan about discrimination just because ANOTHER white guy didn't get nominated? You knew this shit was going to happen in 06. sheesh.. go hop on the next news cycles for crying out loud. You motherfuckers sound like another week of Micheal Jackson or Terry Shiavo drama.

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