So we actually helped these vermin? Libyans desecrate WWII graves


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is just stunning. I've seen the pictures. I've read the stories but I love this guy's rant. It's his title in the thread and it's bang on the money.

I'm only putting this in politics because I just heard a clip of McCain calling for airstrikes over freaking Syria now.

This is how we get repaid for helping. Disgusting. Why bother.

Whole article at link. And the video they made.

So these Islamic extremists have upped the ante with an act of depravity that should humiliate their religion.

In scenes to make you feel ill, gangs of Muslim thugs have attacked the Commonwealth War Cemetery at Benghazi, on Libya's Mediterranean coast, kicking over the headstones of Allied soldiers

The video of these vandals at work is almost unwatchable.

With manufactured fury the locals - freed from repression not once, but twice by Western forces - kick out at the white markers of the fallen heroes of World War II's North Africa campaigns, among whom are many Australians.

The scab of humanity recording all this gets so excited that he is overcome by the urge to join in and films his own feet repeatedly kicking at one of the tombstones until, at last, it gives way and yet another man's memory is desecrated.

It seems the sniggering savages can't believe their luck when they come across a headstone with a Star of David.

No prize for guessing what happens next.

Then the mob swarms over the large cross overlooking the graves attacking it with sledgehammers until it too is destroyed.

So we actually helped these vermin? | Herald Sun
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Obama goin' after dem terrorists no matter where dey at...
Libyan official: U.S. drones seeking jihadists in Libya
June 7th, 2012 - A senior Libyan official told CNN that the U.S. is flying surveillance missions with drones over suspected jihadist training camps in eastern Libya because of concerns over rising activity by al Qaeda and like-minded groups in the region but said that to the best of his knowledge, they had not been used to fire missiles at militant training camps in the area.
The revelation follows a failed attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi on Tuesday night, which a shadowy jihadist group claimed was to avenge the death of al Qaeda No. 2 Abu Yahya al-Libi. The official said that one militant commander operating in Derna, Abdulbasit Azuz, had complained that a drone strike had targeted his training camp in the east of Libya. Last month, there were reports of explosions outside the Derna area in the vicinity of the camps, according to a different source. The CIA's covert drone strike program is rarely publicly acknowledged. It has been widely reported that drones have been deployed to target militants in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

The U.S. flew drones for a while after the NATO intervention in Libya to monitor chemical and biological sites, US military officials tell CNN. But the officials would not comment on whether drone flights were ongoing. The senior Libyan official said it would be bad if such a strike had occurred. He added that the Americans' use of drones in a surveillance capacity had been discussed at the top level of the transitional Libyan government. As CNN has reported, Azuz is a senior al Qaeda operative and longtime close associate of the group's leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, who was dispatched to Libya from the tribal areas of Pakistan in spring 2011, according to several sources. There, he subsequently recruited fighters.

Azuz is a veteran jihadist who fought the Soviet-backed government in Afghanistan in the early 1990s, according to several sources. He later to moved to the UK, where he increasingly came on the radar screen of British security services for his radical recruitment efforts in Manchester. In the period after the July 2005 London bombings, he was detained in the Belmarsh high-security prison and placed under a Control order, according to the sources. He left the UK in 2009 and traveled to the tribal areas of Pakistan, from where al-Zawahiri redeployed him to Libya to set up a bridgehead for the terrorist group, according to the sources.

According to one source, Azuz has dispatched men as far west as Ajdabiya and Brega in his attempt to build up al Qaeda operations in eastern Libya. According to the senior Libyan official, five radical Islamist militant commanders are operating in the Derna area, with 200 to 300 men under their command in the camps. According to Libyan security sources, within the militant ranks in Derna, there are 20 to 30 hardcore jihadist fighters who are cause for most concern. One source said a number of Egyptian jihadists are also present in the Derna area, as well as fighters belonging to al Qaeda's North African affiliate, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

fuck them all.

We are constantly told that the radical Muslims are only a small percent of the Muslim population. That "small percent" have sure caused a lot of deaths and damage. Again, we will wait for the "good Muslims" to speak out against this sort of violence and, like before, we'll hear nothing from them. I will take their silence as agreement with the radicals.

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