So Today Boehner is blaming High Taxes for the bad UE report


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Wait a minute.

Didn't the President give Boehner and the rest of the GOP everything they wanted in tax cuts, and then some,

5 months ago?

Isn't the economy essentially running under the GOP's tax plans right NOW?
Wait a minute.

Didn't the President give Boehner and the rest of the GOP everything they wanted in tax cuts, and then some,

5 months ago?

Isn't the economy essentially running under the GOP's tax plans right NOW?

The lowest tax rates in 60 years hasn't helped, so we need to cut taxes and government revenue even more. :lol:
What was the argument in December, by Boehner and the GOP, for passing the budget busting Stimulus II?

Something about taking away the 'uncertainty' that businesses were pretending was keeping them from hiring?

Does anyone besides me wonder if this kind of stuff is done on purpose.

Fact: We know that the large conglomerates have been making money hand over fist and have some $2-3 TRILLION sitting in their coffers doing nothing. We also know that the Banking industry has been bailed out and are also doing just fine.

I feel that they themselves are keep our people out of work on purpose. They are holding the country hostage to get what they want and the GOP/Tea Party are in full collusion with them.

They want to destroy the government as we know it and take control through the GOP.

This whole thing is NOT about Freedom, The Constitution, or even the Economy. This is a coup d'état against the American People. Strip them of SS, Medicare and any other safety nets....Force them to work for peanuts and make them work until they die.

Welcome to a return to America in the Robber Baron days. Perhaps these NEO-Captains of Industry will re-introduce company scrip and have us pay for our goods in a Company Store.... in which our bills for our goods will always somehow exceed our wages.

The everyday folks that have been duped into supporting this agenda have no idea what they are calling for.

My parents were old enough to have lived through the depression and I remember the horror stories my grandparents told me of the previous generation. They grew up in the coal region of Pennsylvania and spoke of the horrors of the mine, the futility of company stores, the attempts to organize and the real life stories of people they knew who were beaten and killed for their efforts to make a little bit better of a life. I also heard first hand of the few who fought back against the violence of the mine owners and their muscle. They knew people who were actually in the Molly Maguires, a vigilante group who avenged murdered and terrorized workers.

This is what we choose when we choose to give these "Captains of Industry" all the power and no regulation. When we do this, we are disarming ourselves and losing all the liberty we have fought for over the generations.

Is there anything in their behavior over the past 30 years(since Reaganomics gave them a good chunk of that power back) that indicates that they WON'T return to those tactics?
What was the argument in December, by Boehner and the GOP, for passing the budget busting Stimulus II?

Something about taking away the 'uncertainty' that businesses were pretending was keeping them from hiring?


How the hell passing a temporary extension reduces uncertainty is beyond me.
Wait a minute.

Didn't the President give Boehner and the rest of the GOP everything they wanted in tax cuts, and then some,

5 months ago?

Isn't the economy essentially running under the GOP's tax plans right NOW?

The lowest tax rates in 60 years hasn't helped, so we need to cut taxes and government revenue even more. :lol:

Let's not forget to add a few thousand more Gov. employees to the ranks of the unemployed.
Boehner is correct. The U.S. now has the second highest corporate tax rates in the world.


U.S. to have Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World | The Foundry
Let's not forget to add a few thousand more Gov. employees to the ranks of the unemployed.

Yep... that's their answer. Do they realize that their agenda will cause a trickle down that no one wants? Federal dollars get trickled down to the states, State dollars get trickled down to localities.

If you think your saving tax dollars at the top of the food chain, you're not... you are just placing a HUGE burden on State and Local governments who can't afford guess what? Your taxes are going up anyway... probably more, because there's less of a base to get revenues from.

Idiots, the lot of them
Boehner is correct. The U.S. now has the second highest corporate tax rates in the world.


U.S. to have Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World | The Foundry

Can I ask a simple question? Why is that when a Progressive quotes Huffington, MSNBC and the like... you guys scoff at them... but you can place some ambiguous graph and expect people to take it as gospel?

You know, Graphs and Numbers are very easily skewed to present the point you WANT THEM TO!

It's already been well established that Corporations don't pay NEAR what the tax rolls call for... Yes... before you start... GE... I know... I am against that too.
Those numbers are technically correct, but they're also a lie by omission. What he leaves out is that while we have the second highest corporate rate tax on paper, we also have far more exemptions and deductions. The result? The effect rate paid by American firms is far below the OECD average.
Those numbers are technically correct, but they're also a lie by omission. What he leaves out is that while we have the second highest corporate rate tax on paper, we also have far more exemptions and deductions. The result? The effect rate paid by American firms is far below the OECD average.

Exactly... Thank You...
Those numbers are technically correct, but they're also a lie by omission. What he leaves out is that while we have the second highest corporate rate tax on paper, we also have far more exemptions and deductions. The result? The effect rate paid by American firms is far below the OECD average.

I've read recently that some companies are actually paying a negative rate.
Boehner is correct. The U.S. now has the second highest corporate tax rates in the world.


U.S. to have Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World | The Foundry

Well, for the zillionth time,

what that fascinating argument doesn't bother to highlight is that almost all if not all the countries that the US there is being compared to


We don't. Those countries collect a VAT tax that supplements the corporate income tax.

Do you want a VAT tax?
Those numbers are technically correct, but they're also a lie by omission. What he leaves out is that while we have the second highest corporate rate tax on paper, we also have far more exemptions and deductions. The result? The effect rate paid by American firms is far below the OECD average.

I've read recently that some companies are actually paying a negative rate.

That's true in some cases, though to be fair, a lot of that is from writing down losses from the financial crisis.
GW Bush pushed through 2 large tax cuts. Why is it that NO jobs were created. During his 8 yrs in office 3 million jobs were created. That's peanuts. And it's the lowest job creation going back to Eisenhower.

Interestingly during the 8 yrs of the Clinton administration 16M jobs were created. And yet the right won't admit what is in front of their eyes, that tax cuts don't work. All the left is trying to do is to allow the tax cuts go back to their 90's level.
Those numbers are technically correct, but they're also a lie by omission. What he leaves out is that while we have the second highest corporate rate tax on paper, we also have far more exemptions and deductions. The result? The effect rate paid by American firms is far below the OECD average.

Deductions are the cost of doing business: payroll, facilities, equipment etc. To think that these are "tax breaks" is Total Moonbatness.

Exemptions are not very material. Most tax breaks involve accelerated depreciation of capital investments or R&D, and tax loss carryforwards from past years.
Interestingly during the 8 yrs of the Clinton administration 16M jobs were created. And yet the right won't admit what is in front of their eyes, that tax cuts don't work. All the left is trying to do is to allow the tax cuts go back to their 90's level.
How about we do this in a bipartisan manner? Everyone loves bipartisanship don't they? :lol:

Taxes may go back to 90's levels if:

Gov't spending goes back to 90's levels as well.


By the way, the Clinton era budget was around 1.7 to 1.9 Trillion dollars. It's 3.8 trillion now ( numbers)

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