So proud of Utah: will take refugees


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert says state will still accept Syrian refugees; 27 peers say no

Utah ain't the home of no pussies.
If they're willing to build a wall around the state, topped with barbed wire, and shoot anyone who tries to leave, they can take all of them.
Better be prepared. Make ready for a health crisis.

"The influx of more than one million asylum seekers from Africa, Asia and the Middle East is placing unprecedented strain on Germany's healthcare system.

Hospitals, clinics and emergency rooms across Germany are being filled to capacity with migrants suffering maladies of all kinds, and medical personnel, including thousands of volunteers, are increasingly complaining of burnout.

Diseases are also reappearing that have not been seen in Germany for years. German public health officials are now on the lookout for Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, diphtheria, Ebola, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, measles, meningitis, mumps, polio, scabies, tetanus, tuberculosis, typhus and whooping cough. As refugee shelters fill to overflowing, doctors are also on high alert for mass outbreaks of influenza and Norovirus.

Compounding the challenge, tens of thousands of migrants arriving in Germany — particularly migrant children — have not been immunized, and German doctors are finding that needed vaccines are not readily available due to a lack of supply. Some German parents are panicking that there are not enough vaccines to immunize their own children.

Many migrants are also suffering from a host of traumas and mental illnesses. According to the Chamber of German Psychotherapists (Bundespsychotherapeutenkammer), at least half of all migrants arriving in Germany have psychological problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, and roughly 40% have contemplated suicide.

German hospitals are also being forced to hire a virtual army of interpreters so that doctors can communicate with asylum seekers, who speak dozens of languages, dialects and variants.

At the same time, German hospitals are increasing security to protect doctors and nurses from violent attacks by migrants who are unhappy with the medical treatment they are receiving."

Germany: Migration Crisis Becomes Public Health Crisis

Jerkoff Fakey again proving that he's a bed wetting moonbat. His language skills being little better than his total lack of thinking skills he has just declared Utah to be the home of pussies.

Gov Herbert seems to be signaling it's also home to an abundance of idiots too.

I'm from the state of Utah. Why don't you fold it 5 different ways, before you stick it up your ###
If they're willing to build a wall around the state, topped with barbed wire, and shoot anyone who tries to leave, they can take all of them.

Being a pussy is different from being smart
You guys are being played to the max.
If there's anyway Jake can embarrass Utahn's and Mormons he can't control himself. He's like a moth to a flame.
I love Utah and am fiercely proud of its pioneer heritage. The state has welcomed immigrants from the beginning of its territorial days, and pussified sad sacks like ty just don't get the pioneer spirit.

The tyroneweavers represent the sad and bad side of its past. ty and deltex are "just so HereWeGoAgain," all that is messed up with America. Don't take it personally, but there you go, you wimps. :lol:

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