So Obama's biggest achievement is copying a health care idea from Mitt Romney?


Oct 21, 2012
And applying it at the federal level, where the guy who created it, says it was never meant for.

Yet at this point, it looks like he'll probably get another term despite losing the popular vote.
Winning the Iraq War
Stopping a Depression
saving the banks and auto companies
Repealing DADT
Killing Bin Laden

Romney didn't do that
Winning the Iraq War
Stopping a Depression
saving the banks and auto companies
Repealing DADT
Killing Bin Laden

Romney didn't do that

The stock market is over 13k, housing prices are bouncing back, 401ks are growing, unemployment is at 7.8%, we've had 30+ straight months of job growth, the auto industry has come roaring back, companies are hiring by the thousands, things are getting better.

Romney hasn't really ever done anything except steal jobs, take the credit for tax payers fixing the Olympics and screw up Mass with his half-ass cameo appearance as "governor" that he probably learned from $arah.

ObamaCare is not the same as Romney care. I posted a link in Healthcare a while back or just Google it. There are substantial differences if you want to EDUCATE YOURSELF.
Modernizing our entire health sector and giving 30+ million men, women, and children newfound control of their own destinies in the process is no small feat.
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BTW, as far as I've read or heard, the first person to have come up with a similar health care plan was Bob Dole.

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