So Obama can "evolve" on issues; But Romney "flip flops"??

Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

The left would sell their mothers for votes.

Pander, buy a vote with tax dollars. Pander, buy a vote with tax dollars.

Repeat, repeat repeat.
I found it hilarious when the lefties on the news were saying the Romney "bullying" incident was so significant because he speaks so much to his character.

Yet, they'll say Obama's racist church, friendships with communists and terrorists, heavy drug use, womanizing behavior, dog eating, marxist leanings in college, etc, etc, etc, are "just things in the past".

Ok. Fair enough.

Obama still has a lot of evolving to do. Romney has already fully evolved. I'll take the more advanced human life form to lead our country. Obama can run again in 20 years when he's fully evolved!

I'll need citations. Skip the first one, we all know about that. Also the second one, since a hug is not a friendship. Heavy drug use? Aside from what he himself disclosed in his book? The womanizing, that's a new one to me. Was he supposed to be schooled at Our Brother of Perpectual Woody? ... Dog eating. Doesn't count, not even as mud. Stupid shit, more like. Straining at gnats, swallowing camels.

Really? From here? You got not much of nothing. He was human, he lived a normal life. If you think he should have done better or different, then I have to ask what makes you his judge?
Has Romney ever flip flopped on an issue that hurt him politically? Did he ever flip flop in a way that wasn't meant to cynically gain political advantage?

The answer appears to be 'no'.

Contrast that to Obama's shift on the same sex marriage issue, which has produced a chorus of cheers from the Right who thinks this hurts him politically.

Which is it. Did Obama shift on principle, or for political reasons?

false dichotomy but you knew that, or maybe not, its cear you will fall for weaseling when it suits you though...a rose by any other name is not a rose.

when romney 'went soft 'on pro life issues in his gov's race , I called it what it was, and still do, a flip flop, he has now, flipped back.hes now on a a double flop.

See how easy that was?

Now you on the other hand, ignore obamas signed declaration of 1996, to wit;"I favor legalizing same sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages." then, he flipped in 2007-08, and denied support for gay marriage..and then, when questioned over his 1996 missive, he sent plouffe to a netroots summit to disavow the 1996 form saying someone else in his office filled it out ....:rolleyes:

just becasue he wound up where you wanted him, means squat.

Obfuscation just reminds us you don't know what you're talking about.

The issue is, did Obama come out for same sex marriage for political gain or not?

That would be answered by yes, no, or I don't know -

THEN you can explain your answer.

you are the queen of strawmen, dufus, the topic is;

So Obama can "evolve" on issues; But Romney "flip flops"??

he flip-flopped....and all of your misdirection, wealsy, and mealy mouthed supposition BS won't help you....

here, this one is apt..

Since, in the real world, political flip flopping is generally defined as changing positions on an issue for political gain,

as opposed to changing on genuine principle,

are those of you calling Obama a flip flopper conceding that he is now on the right side of the issue,

or as some say, the right side of history?

And do you believe this helps him politically? In the fall?

Are you saying the fact that Obama flopped on gay marriage just before a big fund raiser in Hollywood is a coincidence?

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