So Much For The Deporter In-Chief


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
Deportation are lowest in a decade, good job dear leader, good job.

US government deports fewest immigrants in nearly a decade

The Obama administration deported fewer immigrants over the past 12 months than at any time since 2006, according to internal figures obtained by The Associated Press as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton called Obama's deportation policies too harsh.

Deportations of criminal immigrants have fallen to the lowest levels since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, despite his pledge to focus on finding and deporting criminals living in the country illegally. The share of criminal immigrants deported in relation to overall immigrants deported rose slightly, from 56 percent to 59 percent.

The overall total of 231,000 deportations generally does not include Mexicans who were caught at the border and quickly returned home by the U.S. Border Patrol. The figure does include roughly 136,700 convicted criminals deported in the last 12 months.

Total deportations dropped 42 percent since 2012
Deportation are lowest in a decade, good job dear leader, good job.

US government deports fewest immigrants in nearly a decade

The Obama administration deported fewer immigrants over the past 12 months than at any time since 2006, according to internal figures obtained by The Associated Press as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton called Obama's deportation policies too harsh.

Deportations of criminal immigrants have fallen to the lowest levels since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, despite his pledge to focus on finding and deporting criminals living in the country illegally. The share of criminal immigrants deported in relation to overall immigrants deported rose slightly, from 56 percent to 59 percent.

The overall total of 231,000 deportations generally does not include Mexicans who were caught at the border and quickly returned home by the U.S. Border Patrol. The figure does include roughly 136,700 convicted criminals deported in the last 12 months.

Total deportations dropped 42 percent since 2012

The least since 2006?

Wasn't that at a time when the US population of illegals was still rising?

Who was the asshat in the WH then?
Mexicos economy is doing better. Less people are running across the boarder looking for work.
Deportation are lowest in a decade, good job dear leader, good job.

US government deports fewest immigrants in nearly a decade

The Obama administration deported fewer immigrants over the past 12 months than at any time since 2006, according to internal figures obtained by The Associated Press as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton called Obama's deportation policies too harsh.

Deportations of criminal immigrants have fallen to the lowest levels since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, despite his pledge to focus on finding and deporting criminals living in the country illegally. The share of criminal immigrants deported in relation to overall immigrants deported rose slightly, from 56 percent to 59 percent.

The overall total of 231,000 deportations generally does not include Mexicans who were caught at the border and quickly returned home by the U.S. Border Patrol. The figure does include roughly 136,700 convicted criminals deported in the last 12 months.

Total deportations dropped 42 percent since 2012

The least since 2006?

Wasn't that at a time when the US population of illegals was still rising?

Who was the asshat in the WH then?


This OP is just more evidence of what a FANTASTIC job President Barrack Hussein Obama did w/keeping the deportations low BY keeping the illegal crossings low.

Now look at what the current Son-of-a-Bitch in Chief has done.

This OP is just more evidence of what a FANTASTIC job President Barrack Hussein Obama did w/keeping the deportations low BY keeping the illegal crossings low.

Now look at what the current Son-of-a-Bitch in Chief has done.

Because you're a dimocrap, which means you're stupid, I will give you the ten-cent explanation of why the Lying Cocksucker 'deported' 'more' illegals.....

For one thing, he/xe/it/xer is well..... A lying cocksucker. For another...

The Lying Cocksucker initiated a 'voluntary deportation' program.

What that means is, Bueno Beaner has been in the USA for the last 9 Months and has earned enough money to go home and buy a goat (and probably marry it). So he reports to one of the ICE Stations that he's willing to 'self-deport'

So what happens? The USA, at TAXPAYER expense, puts him on a plane to the City of his choice.

6 Months later he's back. If he wants to go home again, free of charge, he changes his name to Taco Charlie and self-deports

I don't know if being a dimocrap makes you stupid and uninformed or if you CHOOSE to be stupid and uninformed so you become a dimocrap.

How the Obama Administration Inflates Deportation Statistics

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