So Let's Get This Shit Straight.

Gay or straight, stay at home mothering is a luxury that only the wealthy can afford.

As with every other issue they have talked about, the Romneys are clueless. Neither have ever had to live in the real world. That's okay. I mean who really cares about their car elevator or their horses. But they have no right to pretend to have first hand knowledge about things they've never experienced.

And you rws just look silly rushing to their defense. You do realize, don't you that they won't do the same for you unless you're all multi, multi, MULTI millionaires.

Get a clue. You work for them - Not the other way around. You would do well to remember that.

Are you a stupid motherfucker in real life or do you just play one on usmb?

Honestly it is sad that the most intelligent thing you can post is waht you posted. I mean you're intellectual ability is that of a retard

You keep trying to make these "you're stupid" comments, but you invariably do so with errors in spelling and grammar that would embarrass a ten year old.
At the end of the day, about 10 million more women voted than men in the last general, and at the moment they've swung over to the President by almost 20 points I think because of the weariness many women have about things like Planned Parenthood being under attack.

I think that women are responsible on health care more than men because they live longer than men do, so future planning becomes a big thing and I find it's usually moms who are the ones that are on top of those issues. Plenty of people who are uneasy with abortion understand that PP does a lot more than that, in fact they are partly responsible for why the United States leads the world in early cancer detection.

How your candidate is perceived among women, to me, will decide the presidency and so all these people can attack each other all they want, but at the end of the day, single moms out there who keep getting told by Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum and others that they do not have dignity unless they are working just doesn't go over very well, I think, with stay-at-home moms.

I mean, Hillary Rosen can say whatever she wants and Anne Romney can fire back and all these politicos can say what they want, but at the end of the day people are going to look at who is supporting early cancer detection for women and who isn't, as well as who supports equal pay and who doesn't.

(R) or (D), doesn't matter what, if your policies in 2012 America alienate women, you're in deep trouble because women are politically active now and if 10 million more women than men showed up last time, we're looking at an even higher number this time.

I don't condone or advocate anything about the spat between the politicos, mostly because I don't quite understand the thing of it. To the best I do understand, Anne Romney made a comment about how staying at home to be a mom is a job in and of itself, then the liberal lady attacked her with, "she hasn't worked a day in her life", which is an insensitive remark, but then on the heels of that the Romney campaign is asked point-blank whether they support the Ledbetter Act on fair pay and the Romney team blew it by saying, "We'll get back to you".

I mean, what is there to get back to us on? You either think men and women deserve equal pay or you don't.
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at the end of the day, single moms out there who keep getting told by Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum and others that they do not have dignity unless they are working just doesn't go over very well, I think, with stay-at-home moms.

And they don't have this opinion at, say early afternoon?
at the end of the day people are going to look at who is supporting early cancer detection for women and who isn't, as well as who supports equal pay and who doesn't. .

So early in the day women are less likely to believe lefty bullshit about anyone NOT supporting early cancer detection and equal pay? The gullible people who buy the lefty bullshit only start listening toward the end of the day? Does this have something to do with the Moon and tides and such?
Face it, this intire election will be a nasty one. If you pay attention to the slander and fawl mouth things these politicians say, then your not focused on the right things.
Better to pay more attention to what these politicians can do to help us, and not what they say against each other. The left are known to bad mouth everyone when they want to manipulate you against someone.....don't fall for it......ignore it. You know what they are doing, so just ignore it and think about turning around these bad situations in 2013
I love it when republicans are proud of being stupid
I love it when liberals display an unmerited arrogance. :lol:

Well the fact that all the republicans post consist of lies and stupidity there no surprise at my arrogance, perhaps if you people could intellectual challenge me I wouldn't be so arrogant but when all you post is things I'd consider stupid coming from my 5 year old it just...... whatever
People as intellectually superior as you claim to be generally don't make as many grammatical errors as you do.

Punctuation. Check it out. It's fun!
Yep anything that contains intelligent is differently a democrat talking point given that ignroance is the republcian route

And that party of ignorance kicked your asses in 2010.

Try it again moron.

BTW: the analysis as a rebutall was posted. I noticed the BBQ'd left winger hasn't returned to the thread.


Hmmm, obviously you don't pay attention to anything beyond what Limbaugh, Rove and Drudge feed you.

The 2010 election involved a LARGE PERCENTAGE of those who voted for Obama in 2008 SITTING OUT THE ELECTIONS IN PROTESTS over Obama's capitulatory actions to the Party of No (GOP). They are now paying for it dearly, example being Gov. Walker in WI.

And FYI: not everyone can play on this board every day or as much as you do. I just put to rest your myopic review of the information you posted as a rebuttal. I look forward to your parroting only what pleases you.
So, the whiny butts sat out the election.

How does that change reality? The left got their kollektive butts kicked.
Gay or straight, stay at home mothering is a luxury that only the wealthy can afford.

As with every other issue they have talked about, the Romneys are clueless. Neither have ever had to live in the real world. That's okay. I mean who really cares about their car elevator or their horses. But they have no right to pretend to have first hand knowledge about things they've never experienced.

And you rws just look silly rushing to their defense. You do realize, don't you that they won't do the same for you unless you're all multi, multi, MULTI millionaires.

Get a clue. You work for them - Not the other way around. You would do well to remember that.

Are you a stupid motherfucker in real life or do you just play one on usmb?

Honestly it is sad that the most intelligent thing you can post is waht you posted. I mean you're intellectual ability is that of a retard

Honestly it is sad that the most intelligent thing you can post is what you posted. I mean your intellectual ability is that of * a retard.

*Removed extraneous space.

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