So, it's who now? China?


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.
Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.

Maintaining greatness starts with ending Progressive policies. The US Government has a proper and valid role. Government control of the economy and nationalizing industries isn't part of it, neither is class warfare.

We can agree, disagree, debate, and somehow patch together a compromise. But what we can't do is start hating each other and that's the problem with Progressives, they HATE those who don't think we need government control.
Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.

Maintaining greatness starts with ending Progressive policies. The US Government has a proper and valid role. Government control of the economy and nationalizing industries isn't part of it, neither is class warfare.

We can agree, disagree, debate, and somehow patch together a compromise. But what we can't do is start hating each other and that's the problem with Progressives, they HATE those who don't think we need government control.

Hate starts at the fringes. Political forums like this one prove that.
Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.

I commend you on creating your first post with an above 9th grade language.

Now, if you could just say something that had any relevance to real issues we could have a discussion.
I've never understood the arrogance of anyone to think they "let" people keep their own income. Especially when those people you "let" keep their own money already pay for nearly all the waste known as government.:cuckoo:
Or will we have a revolution.


If you can get your people off drugs they might,

the drug induced haze your population stays in 24/7

might not bode well for social actions like:

Revolution, working, being decent people to each other.

All the most of you can manage is to steal from each other.

Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.

Well, I'll agree, you don't understand.

I don't judge a country's greatness by how big and intrusive it's government is.

And if you really think China with a billion people living in poverty is going to eclipse us because your wet noodle spined president folded, then I think you miss the point.
What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

maybe if Halliburton can make a $$$ on it.....
yeah, and blackwater , or whatever it's called now.....

yeah i can see it happening, no i'm not looking forward to the movers and shakers that pull it's strings having uis at each other's throats over problems they created in the first place
Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever. ...


Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.

You're actually going to sit there and pretend you're outraged by the idea of China getting stronger?

If your party had their way we'd be borrowing trillions more from China in order to pay for the asinine amount of spending you condone.

Republicans are trying to create a nation that isn't in debt to China and dependant on middle eastern oil. But it's no surprise that you don't understand that.
Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.

Liberals hate America. This should make you happy and yet, still you bitch. What happened? Did you close down the "Blame America First Club"
Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.

That depends on how you're defining 'greatest'. Great does not necessarily equal richest. You do know that, right?
yeah, and blackwater , or whatever it's called now.....

yeah i can see it happening, no i'm not looking forward to the movers and shakers that pull it's strings having uis at each other's throats over problems they created in the first place

It's going to be grim.
Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.

Maintaining greatness starts with ending Progressive policies. The US Government has a proper and valid role. Government control of the economy and nationalizing industries isn't part of it, neither is class warfare.

We can agree, disagree, debate, and somehow patch together a compromise. But what we can't do is start hating each other and that's the problem with Progressives, they HATE those who don't think we need government control.

Yeah... we're the haters... wow... just wow.

Your side knows no compromise. You hold your collective breath like a petulant child in a toy store. You swear that Businesses need more breaks and less taxes, but if you take off your Conservative spectacles off, you'd see that those breaks and tax cuts have a huge impact on why the economy tanked in the first place... simply because those business entities have not held up to their side of the bargain. They cry for more and more, saying that they need it to create jobs and make America a stronger country... but when they get them... they simply pocket the windfall and keep on doing what they do.... then the process starts all over again.

I swear i feel that their goal is to keep the vast majority of American poor and uneducated and to marginalize the rest until they fall into poverty financially and have no power at all.

But what i don't understand is what is their end game? Is it global domination? Is that what their game is? To use their power to "take over" the world? There has to be a reason for them to keep lowballing the American Worker and hoarding wealth.... to keep getting into foreign markets for labor sources and making those countries dependent on them for their own revenue.

but the bottom line is that Trickle Down Economics is a complete failure and it will destroy this country unless we do something about it.
Obviously we're going to give up on being the greatest nation on earth, and a fair amount of people are fine with that. Cut spending in an already fragile economy, but let the rich keep all the money they've hoovered out of America, yes?

What does our future look like? Is the middle class gone? Will we settle for whatever we can get, because that's all that is left? Or will we have a revolution.

I really don't understand what the Republicans are trying to create.

So cutting spending during times of record deficits is a bad thing, but raising taxes is a good thing?

Listen, not even your beloved leader believes that raising taxes would be beneficial to the economy. He and Clinton are both on record saying such.

If the president wanted to raise taxes he had the opportunity, as did the entire Democratic party. Why didn't they simply let the Bush tax cuts, that they railed and demonized constantly, expire?

Why didn't the president or the Democrats have a written plan that raised taxes and the debt ceiling?

Where are the stories of credit rating downgrade citing lack of revenue as the reason?

Where do you get this jealousy, envy and hatred from?
yeah, and blackwater , or whatever it's called now.....

yeah i can see it happening, no i'm not looking forward to the movers and shakers that pull it's strings having uis at each other's throats over problems they created in the first place

It's going to be grim.

Did any of the two years that the Democrats had control over the executive and legislative branches mean anything?

The Democrats voted to renew the Bush tax cuts, and Obama signed it.

The Democrats voted on unprecedented spending program to supposedly 'save' the economy.

The Democrats even passed Obamacare.

This president has been successful at achieving his legislative goals. What has it achieved? It achieved the Republicans retaking the House and dismal economic growth.

The American people do not believe the constant cries of crisis--the tactic Obama used to pass the entirety of his legislation.

But you don't believe he is responsible for any of it, do you?

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