So it's not the President who is the chief executive


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
It's unelected politically appointed judges of which there are many hundreds
Wrong and scary
Time to ignore them
Time to clean out liberal judges who ignore the Constitution, and our Laws. They ignore the laws written by congress and signed into the Code by the actual LAW MAKERS. They consider themselves unelected dictators.
Did none of you people make it out of high school so you never learned how our government works?
Time to clean out liberal judges who ignore the Constitution, and our Laws. They ignore the laws written by congress and signed into the Code by the actual LAW MAKERS. They consider themselves unelected dictators.
meet idiot two
Luckily there are a majority of seats open on many of the courts. Maybe Trump will fill them all over the shit scum dims objections and reverse the direction of the usurpers.
Being called idiots by the mentally deficient liars is an honor. it proves their complete lack of worthwhile rebuttal.
Luckily there are a majority of seats open on many of the courts
Every time an aide tries to tell him that, he finds out that Trump's golfing at Mar-a-Lago :rofl:
It's called a Smart Phone; try one.

Luckily there are a majority of seats open on many of the courts. Maybe Trump will fill them all over the shit scum dims objections and reverse the direction of the usurpers.
Being called idiots by the mentally deficient liars is an honor. it proves their complete lack of worthwhile rebuttal.
No, there are not "a majority of" open seats. Obummer filled most of them.

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