So is President Trump a War Monger or an Appeaser?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
C'mon, libtards, you can't have it both ways. North Korea, Russia, Iran, etc. You people and your Fake News propagandists look like fools to any thinking person, but then a majority of Democrats have two-digit IQs. When are you going to get over the last election? Do you really think "the Russians" affected the outcome?

P.S. Just as "global warming" was conveniently converted to "climate change," so has "Russian collusion" been converted to "Russian interference." Don't you people ever get tired of these silly word games?
I'd say neither. He's goin for peace. Nothing wrong with talking with Russia. The fact he's pissed off both Democrats and most in his own Party, makes me like him even more. He's really upsetting their 'Order.' I love it.
Warmonger: war against the press, war against democracy, war against immigrant children... the list is long.

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