So are the Zionist going to put up a fence around Mea She'arim too?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
The Mea She'arim Mob

Hardly a week goes by in Mea She'arim without a stone-throwing incident, the torching of garbage containers or the blocking of streets. The public has gotten so used to the violence there that it's hard to notice that a new phenomenon has sprung up. In the past, the violence took place in the neighborhood mainly because of religious struggles. Now the very entrance of a government agency or service provider is a pretext for protest. Mea She'arim has become a dangerous place to visit.

In March, for example, police officers were attacked when they answered a call to break up a fight between a landlord and his tenants. In December, someone there painted "An end to filthy pictures" on the motorbike of a cable-company technician.

Attacks on buses, window smashing and tire puncturing have become routine in Mea She'arim. On April 1, the ultra-Orthodox Web site Kikar Hashabbat reported: "Passersby tell us that dozens of yeshiva students threw stones at a bus while some of their friends tried to block it with garbage cans. The rioters were trying to get on the bus to separate the male and female passengers."

The neighborhood has become a lawless no-man's-land. It's part of the ultra-Orthodox community's process of radicalization. But there's no reason for radicalization to lead to unrestrained violence. These are not isolated excesses - large crowds take part in the incidents. Mea She'arim is ruled by the rabbinical court of the Eda Haredit, the extreme ultra-Orthodox group that could stop the riotous behavior if it wanted to. But it doesn't

The Mea She'arim mob

So funny, and yet the Zionist want Israel to be known an Jewish State, cracks me up. Zionist and Haredim are both anti semitic I guess.

In defense of the Zionist, I could not tolerate the Haredim either, the first time one told me to sit in the back of the bus, I'd slap his face. Your zealot jews, who are the true torah jews, have no excuse, where as the Palestinians do, your both on their land.
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The Mea She'arim Mob

Hardly a week goes by in Mea She'arim without a stone-throwing incident, the torching of garbage containers or the blocking of streets. The public has gotten so used to the violence there that it's hard to notice that a new phenomenon has sprung up. In the past, the violence took place in the neighborhood mainly because of religious struggles. Now the very entrance of a government agency or service provider is a pretext for protest. Mea She'arim has become a dangerous place to visit.

In March, for example, police officers were attacked when they answered a call to break up a fight between a landlord and his tenants. In December, someone there painted "An end to filthy pictures" on the motorbike of a cable-company technician.

Attacks on buses, window smashing and tire puncturing have become routine in Mea She'arim. On April 1, the ultra-Orthodox Web site Kikar Hashabbat reported: "Passersby tell us that dozens of yeshiva students threw stones at a bus while some of their friends tried to block it with garbage cans. The rioters were trying to get on the bus to separate the male and female passengers."

The neighborhood has become a lawless no-man's-land. It's part of the ultra-Orthodox community's process of radicalization. But there's no reason for radicalization to lead to unrestrained violence. These are not isolated excesses - large crowds take part in the incidents. Mea She'arim is ruled by the rabbinical court of the Eda Haredit, the extreme ultra-Orthodox group that could stop the riotous behavior if it wanted to. But it doesn't

The Mea She'arim mob

So funny, and yet the Zionist want Israel to be known an Jewish State, cracks me up. Zionist and Haredim are both anti semitic I guess.

In defense of the Zionist, I could not tolerate the Haredim either, the first time one told me to sit in the back of the bus, I'd slap his face. Your zealot jews, who are the true torah jews, have no excuse, where as the Palestinians do, your both on their land.

How many of these students are there really, when compared to the Palestinian rioters and terrorists. When you look at the reality you see that the Palestinians are much greater in numbers and so are a bigger threat. very soon these scum students will be deprived of their welfare unless they toe the line and act as normal people
Penelope, your total ignorance is beyond comprehension. You have no idea where or what Mea She'arim is. Your article is just an opinion piece filled with half truths and lies.

Mea She'arim is an ultra-orthodox neighborhood in Jerusalem and not a tourist destination. the people who live there do not want to be treated as a tourist attraction. The article opens with the fact that it is Passover. The streets are always blocked on shabatt to keep cars from driving their streets.

And nice that your hate is so bad you have to dig so hard with a five year old opinion piece.
Penelope, your total ignorance is beyond comprehension. You have no idea where or what Mea She'arim is. Your article is just an opinion piece filled with half truths and lies.

Mea She'arim is an ultra-orthodox neighborhood in Jerusalem and not a tourist destination. the people who live there do not want to be treated as a tourist attraction. The article opens with the fact that it is Passover. The streets are always blocked on shabatt to keep cars from driving their streets.

And nice that your hate is so bad you have to dig so hard with a five year old opinion piece.

Just getting worst:

Ultra-Orthodox Jews attack IDF officer

IDF officer visiting two of his soldiers in J'lem neighborhood of Mea She'arim assaulted by dozens of ultra-Orthodox Jews, who also caused damage to his car.

Kobi Nachshoni


04.24.15, 17:35 / Israel News

A haredi IDF officer was attacked by dozens of ultra-Orthodox Jews in the neighborhood of Meah She'arim in Jerusalem on Friday. The assailants – both adults and children – threw stones and eggs at him, caused damage to his car and yelled: “Hardak (frivolous haredi), we will kill you".

Ultra-Orthodox Jews attack IDF officer

Hey jerk, if you can read you'd know I didn't make this up. Sick of you Zionist calling names. The date is there, and I'm sure they are worst than ever now. I know its by Jerusalem. I'm sure they are so upset they don't have the 3 rd temple yet. Now run to your edit page on wiki and take care of some stuff.
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Penelope, your total ignorance is beyond comprehension. You have no idea where or what Mea She'arim is. Your article is just an opinion piece filled with half truths and lies.

Mea She'arim is an ultra-orthodox neighborhood in Jerusalem and not a tourist destination. the people who live there do not want to be treated as a tourist attraction. The article opens with the fact that it is Passover. The streets are always blocked on shabatt to keep cars from driving their streets.

And nice that your hate is so bad you have to dig so hard with a five year old opinion piece.

Just getting worst:

Ultra-Orthodox Jews attack IDF officer

IDF officer visiting two of his soldiers in J'lem neighborhood of Mea She'arim assaulted by dozens of ultra-Orthodox Jews, who also caused damage to his car.

Kobi Nachshoni


04.24.15, 17:35 / Israel News

A haredi IDF officer was attacked by dozens of ultra-Orthodox Jews in the neighborhood of Meah She'arim in Jerusalem on Friday. The assailants – both adults and children – threw stones and eggs at him, caused damage to his car and yelled: “Hardak (frivolous haredi), we will kill you".

Ultra-Orthodox Jews attack IDF officer

Hey jerk, if you can read you'd know I didn't make this up. Sick of you Zionist calling names. The date is there, and I'm sure they are worst than ever now. I know its by Jerusalem. I'm sure they are so upset they don't have the 3 rd temple yet. Now run to your edit page on wiki and take care of some stuff.

April 24, 2014 5:35PM - Erev Shabbos
The officer, out of spite, was looking to violate Shabbos in an Orthodox community.


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