Snapshot of US Job Markets, courtesy of FOX

Every time there is a "changing of the guard", at the Presidential level, US unemployment surges, for up to several years, before the US economy adapts to the "new regime", and "gets back in gear". Whether Democrat or Republican, long periods of Political stability, i.e. "two-term Presidents", allow the US economy to adjust, adapt, and improve. That Presidential politics impacts "Main street" so severely, reflects the fact, that "Big Government" is so intrusive, into the marketplace -- when a "new regime" is elected, they clear out all the old players, install new ones, and radically reshape markets, by the Power of Government. Prima facie, the following plot of employment & unemployment figures, resembles the "RPMs" of a car engine, whose "driver" is constantly "shifting gears". Again, the "Oval Office" can force the entire US economy to "shift gears", by the omnipresent "Welfare" part, of "Welfare capitalism".

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