Smollett / Fox - Defender Insanity: Call Chicago Police 'Blue Klux Klan Racists'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Meet the new 'Racist' 'Grand Wizard' of Chicago's 'Blue Klux Klan':


Yes, according to insane, reality-denying, evidence-ignoring mental retards, THIS is what the 'KLAN' looks like in 2020 because they indicted self-victimizing fake Hate-Crime-perpetrating Trump-hating Hollywood Libtard Jussie Smollett and because both state-wide and nationally organizations of district attorneys and prosecutors hammered Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx for her unethical and dishonest handling of the Jussie Smollett case!

Disgusting: Kim Foxx Defenders Smear Chicago Cops as 'Blue Klux Klan' Racists


Notice how race-baiting / race-pimp Jessie Jackson is leaning in towards the mike to make sure he gets his face in the photos so he can claim to still be 'relevant' in the fight against 'racism'...which he has and still makes a living promoting?!

How do these race-pimps define being a 'Racist'? Anyone who makes this type of (factual) claim against a lying, corrupt, crime-supporting black official tasked with upholding and enforcing justice:

"Chicago's police union has demanded the resignation of Cook County State's Attorney Kimberly Foxx after prosecutors dropped 16 felony counts against "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett. The city's Fraternal Order of Police and the suburban police chiefs associations announced a "no confidence" vote against Foxx during a joint news conference Thursday afternoon. "We are grateful for the top police officials here with one united voice to demand the resignation of Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx,” said Kevin Graham, president of the Fraternal Order of Police. Graham said the vote was about more than the Smollett case, but noted that the high-profile incident undermined the public's confidence in Chicago's criminal justice system."

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If you have ever wondered what reality-denying, evidence-ignoring, fake news-pushing, false narrative-pushing, Trump-haters do / talk about then they AREN'T devoting all that time and energy pushing the false news / accusations about Trump, here's your answer.

As it turns out, there is an entire world of reality / facts / issues that do not align with their political agenda to deny / push false claims about.... this is only one of them.

“The FOP is the sworn enemy of black people, the sworn enemy of black people. The FOP has always taken the position that black people can be shot down in the street by members of the Chicago Police Department, and suffer no consequences.”
--- U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush

Rush, who drew criticism in the city’s mayoral election when he suggested supporters of Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot would have the blood of African-American youth killed by the police on their hands, was joined / supported by activist Ja’Mal Green, [Jesse] Jackson, and other Foxx Supporters.

‘Whitewash Of Justice’: Mayor Rahm Emanuel And Top Cop Eddie Johnson Attack Prosecutors For Dropping Jussie Smollett Case

It helps when Michelle Obama's ex-aid tests Foxx on the family's behalf, expressing how there are concerns over how the case was being handled - so effectively and efficiently - against the Trump-hating Hollywood Smollett. Suddenly Foxx lies about recusing herself, the case gets dropped, all the evidence is ordered sealed....

Except the Chicago Police Superintendent, not liking getting screwed over in public and his department slandered because of politics by Trump-haters and fake hate crime-perpetrators released all the information about Smollett's case, proving how much evidence they had proving Smollett perpetrated the hoax, despite his bragging in public about being unjustly targeted...

Ex-Michelle Obama aide says she had small role in assisting Jussie Smollett's family

Isn't that true equality when a black man can become a KKK member?
We've come a long way baby...
You have no idea - from being the target of police / Klansmen with dogs, 'billy clubs', water canons MEMBERS of the becoming a 'Grand Wizard' of the 'BLUE Klux Klan'... Yes kids, don't let anyone tell you that you can't make your dreams come true.

Isn't that true equality when a black man can become a KKK member?
We've come a long way baby...
You have no idea - from being the target of police / Klansmen with dogs, 'billy clubs', water canons MEMBERS of the becoming a 'Grand Wizard' of the 'BLUE Klux Klan'... Yes kids, don't let anyone tell you that you can't make your dreams come true.

The entire police force should be issued red MAGA hats.
As long as they are the new white hood we should have the BKK in proper uniform.
Now, Foxx — the first African-American woman to hold the job — is allegedly using the race card.

She told the audience at a Rainbow PUSH coalition meeting she can’t run an office “driven by anger and public sentiment.”

Foxx hinted that any criticism of her or her office was race related.

Cant legitimately criticize anyone without being called a racist ,cant make a joke , cant fart ....its toxic masculinity
We cant criticize her the cucks say we have to play along so people vote republican
they make no sense
they are truly hypocritical
THEY are the racists -plain and simple

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