Smoking carpet glue


Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2009
370 for Ethylene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

V for ATSDR - ToxFAQs™: Vinyl Acetate
ATSDR - Toxicological Profile: Vinyl Acetate
vinyl acetate

Way to go FDA, thank you for being our nannies and making sure we will not die in a house fire.:eusa_eh::woohoo:

Force people to smoke carpet glue, instead :clap2::woohoo:

The term "fire-safe" is controversial as no lit cigarette can truly be considered "fire safe." Some refer to "fire-safe" cigarettes as having RIP (reduced ignition propensity).

Fire safe cigarettes are produced by adding bands of EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) to the cigarette paper during manufacturing, in order to decrease burn rate at the bands.The combustion toxicity of EVA has not been studied to any extent, but combustion byproducts are known to include carbon monoxide and "unknown hydrocarbons".
In early 2009, opposition towards FSCs became evident through complaints made on social networking websites. There is also an online petition made by "citizens against fire-safe cigarettes" which cites many of the known hazards of these cigarettes in its petition.

Some of the many concerns voiced by smokers:
  1. The new cigarettes have an unacceptable "copper or metal" taste to them, which most smokers find unpleasant or even disgusting.
  2. The newly added chemicals in these cigarettes have not been put into proper testing or any studies and are not being looked at carefully enough by those who are putting these laws into effect.
  3. Fire Safe Cigarettes require that a smoker inhale in less than one minute or the cigarette will extinguish itself. The need to keep an FSC cigarette burning increases the number of inhales per cigarette, and thus increases the amount of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide intake into the smoker's lungs. The result is that the cigarette poses a greater health risk to the smoker.
  4. The Fire Safe Cigarette design has resulted in more frequent ash dropping, which may even be less fire-safe than regular cigarettes. Many smokers have complained that the added bands that are put in the cigarette paper make the ashes heavier, and therefore causes them to drop "randomly", burning into floors or clothing. These bands are put in the paper to help make the cigarette go out when it has burned down to one of them. But besides the annoyance to most smokers to constantly relight the cigarette, sparks have also been reported to fly off the cigarette when it has burned down to one of these bands and is relit.
  5. Having to relight cigarettes frequently or constantly increases the potential for more fire related accidents with matches and lighters than regular cigarettes which usually only have to be lit once.
  6. The added chemicals contained in FSC cigarettes have proven to be more toxic than regular cigarettes and cause increased health related problems for smokers. Symptoms/conditions include, but are not limited to: nausea, sores in mouth and throat, dry throat, constant headaches, extreme coughing, tightness in the chest, vomitting, body aches, pain in the abdomen and respiratory conditions including asthma and broncitis, as well as other possibly more serious health conditions.
  7. The Harvard School of Health reported that when comparing NY Cigarettes (FSC) versus Regular Cigarettes, the FSC cigarettes produced 13.9% more Naphthalene and 11.4% more carbon monoxide than regular cigarettes. Naphthalene is commonly found in moth balls, and exposure in high amounts can result in symptoms of acute exposure include headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malaise, confusion, anemia, jaundice, convulsions, and coma.
  8. Phillip Morris USA has reported that the Adhesive ethylene vinyl acetate and polyvinyl acetate are used in the non-tobacco ingredients of cigarettes produced as a Side-seam adhesive. However, Phillip Morris USA fails to distinguish the differences in levels between regular and FSC cigarettes. The amount does not exceed .6 % combined. Since additional layers of paper are used in FSC cigarettes, more adhesive is needed in the form of ethylene vinyl acetate
FDA Seeking Public Comment on Tobacco Regulation
The goverment is now choosing to poison me with carpet glue .I choose to smoke and that is poison enough.I have the right to know what the affects of the additives are before I decide if I want to use this product futher.I did not
know what was causing my problem but since have found it to be the affects of supid carpet clue in my smokes.I did not choose to huff glue .The goverment did .How stupid and unlawful to try and murder a group of citizens because you happen not to want smokers around .I do think killing us Quicker with the glue downright evil.Does Obma still smoke ?he won't talk about it .If he does ,I bet his is not laced with carpet glue,I am quitting because I now know what is causing my illness I have smoked 35 years.
I am not in a good mood.I would like to know how is it legal for this to occure?
Yeah, like smoking was such a safe, wholesome activity before they put the carpet glue in cigarettes..
Yeah, like smoking was such a safe, wholesome activity before they put the carpet glue in cigarettes..

Billiant ?We already know what is in the darn things .POINT is :We did not know they put carpet glue in them until we felt sick .You don't care about smokers and seemingly neither does the tobacco Company's or the FDA.Alcohol is very main stream. I don't drink that crap.Bet if you put some additive in there The public outcry would be huge .No one cares about the smoker and whatever they do to us is fine.I think not .We pay enourmus taxes tha keep states a float.The attitude of who gives a crap is why I am angry they can do this and get away with it.Get off your doney and stop being his rearend.
The government has secretly passed the law about introducing fsc cigarettes, and feels absolutely NO OBLIGATION to warn smokers about the new lethal ingredients in our cigarettes. Don't you think that it is against the law to knowingly add poison to a product and neglect to tell the consumer.

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