Small Government Bullshit


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

Hey I'll bet ya' I could buy my own, real nice Health Insurance Policy if I didn't have to pay Federal Income Tax which we didn't have before 1913 and at that time was only on the very rich.

Hey I'll bet ya' I could take my Social Security with holdings and invest it better than the Gov't has simply by stuffing it under a mattress somewhere.

Hey I'll bet ya' we'd still have manufacturing jobs in this country if the gov't hadn't signed all those wonderful Free Trade Agreements.

Hey I'll bet ya' the Dollar wouldn't have lost 95% of it's value since 1913 if the Gov't hadn't given it's Constitutional Duty to control the money supply over to an unelected group of International Bankers.

Hey I'll bet ya' that if the Defense Department was smaller and the CIA wasn't in existence, far fewer (if any) of our Servicemen would have died in meaningless Wars for Empire and the Military Industrial Complex since WWII.

But I won't bet that Americans will put down the TV remote or their iPads long enough to even notice. :frown:

But hey, keep cheering for your favorite Political Party because as you can see from history, they're here to help you.
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[ame=]Republicans, Get In My Vagina! from Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer, Andrea Savage, Funny Or Die, lauren, Alex Richanbach, and BoTown Sound - YouTube[/ame]
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Boop is a moron, she doesnt even know about the political sides of the groups she espouses. I owend her on the gay issue. She blindly does what the gay lobby wants, but has no idea who they are or what they do.
And Boop why are you so concerned with abortion, every single topic you post has something to do with it?
If you dont want to have kids, dont be a slut, or atleast get working protection, killing babies because of you irresponsible behavior is not cool

I can understand Kate Beckinsale doesn't want Republicans in het vagina. She's more a fan of men who rape young children in their anus.

Okay, you're sick.

I mean really, REALLY sick.

Wait the truth is sick? I mean dont you support NAMBLA?
I thought democrats didnt judge people and let pedophiles out on parole for "good" behavior. Or do you disagree with that practice?
You are still really sick.

And in other news, fucked in the head, in a serious fashion.

I'm not the one defending the pedophile rapist Polanski.

Fine. Ignore it is. I have NEVER seen you contribute anything worthwhile. I actually can't tell the difference between you and Unkotare. Just ugly nasty, 24/7/365.

I guess the truth is a bit too much for you. But hey, what's drugging and raping a 13 year old girl when you're a great and enlightenened and progressive artist, right? It's OK with Beckinsale, as long as you're not republican.

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