Sky OFFICIALLY falling!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Ah for the good old days when worry-warts had their knickers in a twist over the looming Atomic Destruction of The Planet!

And today the Doomsday Clock minute hand moved! Yup. Destruction is officially a minute closer!

But this time Nuclear Holocaust is off the table and GLOBAL WARMING is gonna kill the planet, leaving humans drifting about in space.

But only if you choose to participate.

Climate change and nuclear bombs set doomsday clock on verge of midnight Environment The Guardian

All that's missing is a plea for you to quickly send money to Algore's First Universal Church of Global Brouhaha.
Ah for the good old days when worry-warts had their knickers in a twist over the looming Atomic Destruction of The Planet!

And today the Doomsday Clock minute hand moved! Yup. Destruction is officially a minute closer!

But this time Nuclear Holocaust is off the table and GLOBAL WARMING is gonna kill the planet, leaving humans drifting about in space.

But only if you choose to participate.

Climate change and nuclear bombs set doomsday clock on verge of midnight Environment The Guardian

All that's missing is a plea for you to quickly send money to Algore's First Universal Church of Global Brouhaha.
Very good. Yep, the "wind blowers" are spewing hot air everywhere. Head for the bunkers, quickly.
O' Nooooooooooo

Ah for the good old days when worry-warts had their knickers in a twist over the looming Atomic Destruction of The Planet!

And today the Doomsday Clock minute hand moved! Yup. Destruction is officially a minute closer!

But this time Nuclear Holocaust is off the table and GLOBAL WARMING is gonna kill the planet, leaving humans drifting about in space.

But only if you choose to participate.

Climate change and nuclear bombs set doomsday clock on verge of midnight Environment The Guardian

All that's missing is a plea for you to quickly send money to Algore's First Universal Church of Global Brouhaha.
Here on a cold, blustery day, late in the fourth quarter of life, with a slim but sustainable lead, I can think of worse things than dying with warm feet.

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