Skating Party Canceled Because Trump Built the Rink?


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
A group of liberal moms at an elite New York City school torpedoed an annual ice-skating party because Donald Trump rebuilt the rink in the 1980s. The Dalton School said that the event was shelved due to low participation, though reported anti-Trump sentiment is said to be the real reason. When The New York Post asked the school's parent association president about the allegation, she refused to comment:

Dalton’s PA president, LaMae DeJongh, declined to comment — but sources said the low attendance was due to rampant anti-Trump sentiment at the elite prep school, which boasts alumni such as CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

“I think it is completely insane,” said one Dalton parent who disagrees with the protest. “Like him or not, it feels like a strange place for New Yorkers to protest. And sad that kids now have no skating party.”

Whiny Liberals: New York City Moms Kill Skating Party Because Trump Renovated The Rink
The PA president declined to comment. Could it be because it's pretty hard to explain that your group cancelled a fun activity for a bunch of kids because of an election that occurred three months ago? I wonder how they explained it to the kids.
They should protest McDonalds and Taco Bell seeing he has eaten their food!!!

People are ridiculous and cancelling some kid party because of your distaste for Trump is not bothering Trump nor the Trumpsters at all and in fact he is probably laughing at the parents because of the mere fact Trump had the skating ring rebuilt thirty plus years ago and all of a sudden they are outrage and feel their kids should not skate...

Want to bet Cooper and his rich mommy have something to do with this because Trump keep on claiming CNN is fake News!?!

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