Six year old British school children are taught to write same sex lover letters.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Amy Mek on Twitter
Six year old British school children are taught to write same sex lover letters.


First this teacher should be fired, this is pychological abuse and these kids will pay for it. Kids will believe anything when you teach them. You can tell a white kid it's black for the next 12 yrs and that kid will believe it.

This is mentally unfiar to these kids. You should all be fkn heranged for this bs. In considerate backholes!!
Amy Mek on Twitter
Six year old British school children are taught to write same sex lover letters.

View attachment 219598

First this teacher should be fired, this is pychological abuse and these kids will pay for it. Kids will believe anything when you teach them. You can tell a white kid it's black for the next 12 yrs and that kid will believe it.

This is mentally unfiar to these kids. You should all be fkn heranged for this bs. In considerate backholes!!

I mean, I think it's a bit of a weird thing to actually bother teaching, but "pychological abuse"? Really?

It's not even psychological abuse.
Trump's Loudest Anti-Muslim Twitter Troll Is A Shady Vegan Married To An (Ousted) WWE Exec | HuffPost


In a very rare turn of events, a nasty Jewish-supremacist hatemongering operative has been exposed by none other than Huffington Post.

The operative is 45-year-old Amy Jane Mekelburg of New York. It’s a very rare comeuppance for a Zionist-Jewish supremacist pumping out an anti-Islam screed. Usually these Jews are the ones dishing it out and doing the doxing. Her husband, a WWE exec, was canned as a consequence. But unlike the goyim — who could lose their jobs, if they let slip even one tweet or comment that Jews don’t like — Mekelburg operated with impunity for five years.

And with 225,000 Twitter followers (((somebody))) was promoting her. According to Huff Post, Mekelburg’s best connection was through Anni Cyrus, who produces (((The Glazov Gang))), an Islamophobic talk show that can be found on YouTube. Host Jamie Glazov is the editor of one of (((David Horowitz’s))) anti-Muslim publications. Mekelburg asked for Cyrus’ help in launching her own anti-Muslim organization. Cyrus, who did not respond to HuffPost’s requests for comment, greeted Mekelburg’s overture with enthusiasm.
Whoa! Muslim-Demonizing Jewish Operative ‘Amy Mek’ Exposed, Booted from Twitter
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Amy Mek on Twitter
Six year old British school children are taught to write same sex lover letters.

View attachment 219598

First this teacher should be fired, this is pychological abuse and these kids will pay for it. Kids will believe anything when you teach them. You can tell a white kid it's black for the next 12 yrs and that kid will believe it.

This is mentally unfiar to these kids. You should all be fkn heranged for this bs. In considerate backholes!!

I have an idea, why don't you put the newspaper link up instead of a twitter link?
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Amy Mek on Twitter
Six year old British school children are taught to write same sex lover letters.

View attachment 219598

First this teacher should be fired, this is pychological abuse and these kids will pay for it. Kids will believe anything when you teach them. You can tell a white kid it's black for the next 12 yrs and that kid will believe it.

This is mentally unfiar to these kids. You should all be fkn heranged for this bs. In considerate backholes!!

The Drag Queen Story Time program is teaching children about tolerance and kindness.


I will not wonder when communist EU dictators pass the law criminalizing straight marriages.Although whites are only 7 % of human population NWO fights for totally destroying and replacement only of them by dark races.
Schools like this are doing important work in eliminating hatred from our society. Things are improving but there is still a hardcore of backward hating people out there. Our generation is better than our parents and the next generation will be better than us. That is progress. Its a beautiful thing.
Schools like this are doing important work in eliminating hatred from our society. Things are improving but there is still a hardcore of backward hating people out there. Our generation is better than our parents and the next generation will be better than us. That is progress. Its a beautiful thing.
The Greatest Generation saved the world...............saved England..........saved Europe.............stood tall in the face of the USSR............Stood the wall in Berlin until it fell..............

There would be no Germany today..........No Poland........No Ukraine...........if it weren't for our fathers standing against them..........

Our Generation is better than our fathers.........who fought bled and died for us..........HARDLY.
Schools like this are doing important work in eliminating hatred from our society. Things are improving but there is still a hardcore of backward hating people out there. Our generation is better than our parents and the next generation will be better than us. That is progress. Its a beautiful thing.
The Greatest Generation saved the world...............saved England..........saved Europe.............stood tall in the face of the USSR............Stood the wall in Berlin until it fell..............

There would be no Germany today..........No Poland........No Ukraine...........if it weren't for our fathers standing against them..........

Our Generation is better than our fathers.........who fought bled and died for us..........HARDLY.
And you had segregation, Jim Crow,women were second class citizens and homosexuality was illegal.Its better now.
Schools like this are doing important work in eliminating hatred from our society. Things are improving but there is still a hardcore of backward hating people out there. Our generation is better than our parents and the next generation will be better than us. That is progress. Its a beautiful thing.
The Greatest Generation saved the world...............saved England..........saved Europe.............stood tall in the face of the USSR............Stood the wall in Berlin until it fell..............

There would be no Germany today..........No Poland........No Ukraine...........if it weren't for our fathers standing against them..........

Our Generation is better than our fathers.........who fought bled and died for us..........HARDLY.
And you had segregation, Jim Crow,women were second class citizens and homosexuality was illegal.Its better now.
Danced right around their graves with that one now didn't you................

You were saying how you are so much better than those who fought and died to save the ungrateful of you.
Schools like this are doing important work in eliminating hatred from our society. Things are improving but there is still a hardcore of backward hating people out there. Our generation is better than our parents and the next generation will be better than us. That is progress. Its a beautiful thing.
The Greatest Generation saved the world...............saved England..........saved Europe.............stood tall in the face of the USSR............Stood the wall in Berlin until it fell..............

There would be no Germany today..........No Poland........No Ukraine...........if it weren't for our fathers standing against them..........

Our Generation is better than our fathers.........who fought bled and died for us..........HARDLY.
And you had segregation, Jim Crow,women were second class citizens and homosexuality was illegal.Its better now.
Danced right around their graves with that one now didn't you................

You were saying how you are so much better than those who fought and died to save the ungrateful of you.
I am very grateful for the sacrifices made. I have several family members buried in France. They would recognise the world today as far better than the world they left.
Things just get better even if that upsets you.

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