Six Afghan Children Are Killed in NATO Airstrike

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
Six Children Are Killed by NATO Airstrike in Afghanistan
Afghan President Hamid Karzai strongly condemned the bombing.

The issue of civilian casualties at the hands of Nato forces is highly sensitive in Afghanistan.

The Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) said it has begun a high level inquiry and would also undertake a join assessment with Afghan authorities.

Read more: Afghanistan: 6 children, 1 adult killed in NATO air strike « RAWA News


No one cares....
Nato the United States Military at its best.

These babies had a future when they were born. Then comes Nato and they are dead. This is absolutely and unexceptable in today's world.

These little children in the photo look like litte baby dolls. What did they ever do in this world to recieve an unwelcomed begining?

Nato is the United States military regime. Acting on it own accord. Pretending to be front for humanity, yet is a fasade of evil!!!
No one cares....

Collateral damage, probably irregular fighters, and who tells you that those children didn't "hate us for our freedoms".

No love for the thousands of muslime children "honor killed" by family members each year?

"Collateral Damage ... " is what you call six dead children?

You are a disgusting human being to even think that way!

You are so high and mightly and hell bent to blame unknown children. But refuse to point your high and mighty hand at the real sick mother f****** who caused and are the killers of the innocent.

How do you even know these children are Muslim. And because one is Muslim the world excepts their death? Your position is highly extreme, way outside the normal thinking or any reasonal person that one has to say that: your a very sick person, with very sick views of reality and the world.
Nato the United States Military at its best.

These babies had a future when they were born. Then comes Nato and they are dead. This is absolutely and unexceptable in today's world.

These little children in the photo look like litte baby dolls. What did they ever do in this world to recieve an unwelcomed begining?

Nato is the United States military regime. Acting on it own accord. Pretending to be front for humanity, yet is a fasade of evil!!!

No love for the Buddhist children murdered by the muslimes who invaded afghanistan?
Nato the United States Military at its best.

These babies had a future when they were born. Then comes Nato and they are dead. This is absolutely and unexceptable in today's world.

These little children in the photo look like litte baby dolls. What did they ever do in this world to recieve an unwelcomed begining?

Nato is the United States military regime. Acting on it own accord. Pretending to be front for humanity, yet is a fasade of evil!!!

You need to do some research on NATO and who is involved in it!
Collateral damage, probably irregular fighters, and who tells you that those children didn't "hate us for our freedoms".

No love for the thousands of muslime children "honor killed" by family members each year?

"Collateral Damage ... " is what you call six dead children?

You are a disgusting human being to even think that way!

You are so high and mightly and hell bent to blame unknown children. But refuse to point your high and mighty hand at the real sick mother f****** who caused and are the killers of the innocent.

How do you even know these children are Muslim. And because one is Muslim the world excepts their death? Your position is highly extreme, way outside the normal thinking or any reasonal person that one has to say that: your a very sick person, with very sick views of reality and the world.

No love for the muslime children human-shielded by the muslime parents who think they will go to paradise?

"We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"
[ame=]Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life" - YouTube[/ame]
Terrorists hide within communities and use children as human shields.

Muslime children are future suicide bombers.

And people like you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

People like muslimes are part of the problem, dink. Get our tiny little head out of your fat ass.

Quran 60:4: We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"

2 year old Muslima child
Who was struck by allah's wrath? "The Jews"
Who are the misguided? "The Christians"
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Six Children Are Killed by NATO Airstrike in Afghanistan
Afghan President Hamid Karzai strongly condemned the bombing.

The issue of civilian casualties at the hands of Nato forces is highly sensitive in Afghanistan.

The Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) said it has begun a high level inquiry and would also undertake a join assessment with Afghan authorities.

Read more: Afghanistan: 6 children, 1 adult killed in NATO air strike « RAWA News

No one cares....
Well, sometimes children have to die for the greater good. That's peace, that's freedom.

That's coming to America too.
So quick to condemn NATO that we forget about the terrorist and Islamic extremist who fire rockets at NATO soldiers from inside those very cities. But never mind that let us cry about six dead children whose lives could have been spared by the parents who sat idly by while rockets were fired from inside their city walls.

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