Sir - Ma'am - Senator

Mr. SAXTON. Without objection. Thank you very much, Mr.
Admiral, the floor is yours sir.

Admiral OLSON. Sir, I have submitted a statement for the record.
With your permission, I will not read that but instead make a few
separate comments regarding irregular warfare

Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Secretary thank you, very much.
General, the floor is yours sir.

General MANNON. Good afternoon, and thank you, Chairman

Mr. SMITH. Admiral, General, if either one of you had anything
to add to that?
Admiral OLSON. Sir, I think you have honed in very quickly on
the somewhat nebulous nature of irregular warfare. The desired
end state is an environment that is inhospitable to terrorism and
terrorist activity.

Is it positive? Is it constructive? To comment on that, General
Mannon or Admiral Olson.
General MANNON. Sir, in a general statement, I would say that
with regard to your question concerning Afghanistan

This was taken from the House Armed Services Committee. The fact is the U.S. Military uses the words Sir and Ma'am as a respecful sign of addressing someone of higer rank or higher office. Sen. Boxer a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee knows this full well and was grandstanding for reasons that only she knows. She has say in hundreds of hearings and has been addressed as Ma'am in the past by U.S. Military personnel testifying before her I'm quite sure. This was nothing more than a show and a disrespectful one on the part of the Sen. at that. I am frankly not surprised though, from the same person who would not support the USMC and sided with the city of Berkley in their dispute with USMC recruiting issue.

Agreed - she is part of the leftist wing of the Democrat Party that despises the military. Her role on the ASC has been to undermine the armed services - certainly not champion them.

She is among the most detestable members of that elected body...
In the great challenge for being the dumbest Senator, Barbara Boxer has to be in the top 3. I only say 3 because I want to leave myself an out. She has never done a single thing to advance the interests of the country since she has warmed her seat in the senate.
anyone who defends Cheney and Bush in this day and age are as bad as they are--- and bad they indeed are.

And those people nitpick Obama or Boxer's word because they know they have nothing legitimate to throw at them, unlike with Bush and Cheney where everything heinous applies.

It's a kind of unintended compliment from the Right for Obama, Boxer, etc..

The neocons know this, but will never admit it.
yeah, because defending a military man showing proper respect is somehow, defending Bush or Cheney as well

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