Since 1953


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Iran is the world’s forth largest oil producer, which makes it attractive to many hostile neighbors, and to big oil companies. This is reason enough for concern, but Iran is also geographically important, at least in the eyes of American foreign policy makers. Iran is bordered by Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, and Turkmenistan, and is just across the Persian Gulf from Saudi, Arabia. Iran literally is the middle of the Middle East. Iran also borders the Caspian Sea, and the U.S. has long been after those huge stores of oil. Much of the reason for the war in Afghanistan was based on building and securing the north-south oil pipeline that would allow oil delivery from the Caspian through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and into Pakistan. Securing Iran would take the U.S. a step closer to gaining access to the oil in the Caspian, but at what cost?

Targeting Iran: A Fool’s Game! -
yeah the sheep around here have been brainwashed by our media that they are a terrorist nation which could not be any further from the truth.the truth is they want to be left alone and are a peaceful country but our corrupt government wont leave them alone,never has because of what you said.
They arent that peaceful. They fund terrorist orgs around the world.
Like the one that shoots missiles into the Israeli citizenry.
They are still Muslims.
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They arent that peaceful. They fund terrorist orgs around the world.
Like the one that shoots missiles into the Israeli citizenry.
They are still Muslims.
I had a good buddy lived there for a year in the early 70's- he didn't have any problems- anecdotal, yes- they fund terrorists organizations because they're tired of the US imperialism not to mention jewry, world wide- they are defending what is theirs just as you would defend what is yours- from anyone-
Bulgaria, bahrain, albania etc
It isnt just america and Jews.
They arent that peaceful. They fund terrorist orgs around the world.
Like the one that shoots missiles into the Israeli citizenry.
They are still Muslims.
I had a good buddy lived there for a year in the early 70's- he didn't have any problems- anecdotal, yes- they fund terrorists organizations because they're tired of the US imperialism not to mention jewry, world wide- they are defending what is theirs just as you would defend what is yours- from anyone-
How are they defending what is theirs by blowing up embassies in Argentina?
Did those 300 people impede on their way of life?
While i conpletely agree with your point about imperialism, iran are fucking cocksuckers.
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How are they defending what is theirs by blowing up embassies in Argentina?
How are we defending what is ours deposing of foreign country leaders?
I don't know about Argentina- post a link I'll give my take on it.
How are they defending what is theirs by blowing up embassies in Argentina?
How are we defending what is ours deposing of foreign country leaders?
I don't know about Argentina- post a link I'll give my take on it.
Naw man, dont get me wrong. I think our federal govt is shitty. You know I post about those bastards all the time. I dont agree with most of what we have done in the last 70 or 80 years. Dont confuse my intentions in this thread.
All i am saying is iran deserves no sympathy.
I'm on my phone. But google Buenos Aires embassy attack. I think it was 1992 or 93
They arent that peaceful. They fund terrorist orgs around the world.
Like the one that shoots missiles into the Israeli citizenry.
They are still Muslims.
I had a good buddy lived there for a year in the early 70's- he didn't have any problems- anecdotal, yes- they fund terrorists organizations because they're tired of the US imperialism not to mention jewry, world wide- they are defending what is theirs just as you would defend what is yours- from anyone-

apparently he missed my post where i took everybody to school.LOL
They arent that peaceful. They fund terrorist orgs around the world.
Like the one that shoots missiles into the Israeli citizenry.
They are still Muslims.
I had a good buddy lived there for a year in the early 70's- he didn't have any problems- anecdotal, yes- they fund terrorists organizations because they're tired of the US imperialism not to mention jewry, world wide- they are defending what is theirs just as you would defend what is yours- from anyone-

apparently he missed my post where i took everybody to school.LOL
Their terrorist acts are not religious dogma put out by the state dude.
All i am saying is iran deserves no sympathy.
I'm not saying they deserve sympathy- I am saying they deserve respect, for 2 reasons, 1), they are a sovereign country, 2), they ain't taking no bullshit- funding terrorist organizations is different from hiring mercenaries how?- as for Argentina, I just read a story on Yahoo- guess who's down there meddling in their affairs? It ain't Iran, but it has been called terrorist- do you have any idea how much oil is in South America? Like Venezuela? Argentina? Off their coasts? The incredible amount of revenue that can be generated down there, IF funded with other than our Petrodollars, could wreak havoc on the fed reserve note dominance- oh, I remember reading a couple? maybe three years ago Shell Oil had traded wheat to Iran for some oil- how many refineries does Shell have here? Who owns Shell Oil? Dutch. It employs 10's of 1000's of people world wide- why weren't they bitch slapped when they made the deal with Iran?

This ain't a cut and dried "they're muslim" deal- never has been- it's been about the Petrodollar dominance for decades- and controlling Iran's, a sovereign country, resources. In 1953 our CIA implemented to deposing of their leader and installed a *friendly* leader (by what authority did our CIA do that)- for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction- some things can't be denied- there is no time line on a reaction until it occurs- guess what's occurring? This year marks 67 years-
All i am saying is iran deserves no sympathy.
I'm not saying they deserve sympathy- I am saying they deserve respect, for 2 reasons, 1), they are a sovereign country, 2), they ain't taking no bullshit- funding terrorist organizations is different from hiring mercenaries how?- as for Argentina, I just read a story on Yahoo- guess who's down there meddling in their affairs? It ain't Iran, but it has been called terrorist- do you have any idea how much oil is in South America? Like Venezuela? Argentina? Off their coasts? The incredible amount of revenue that can be generated down there, IF funded with other than our Petrodollars, could wreak havoc on the fed reserve note dominance- oh, I remember reading a couple? maybe three years ago Shell Oil had traded wheat to Iran for some oil- how many refineries does Shell have here? Who owns Shell Oil? Dutch. It employs 10's of 1000's of people world wide- why weren't they bitch slapped when they made the deal with Iran?

This ain't a cut and dried "they're muslim" deal- never has been- it's been about the Petrodollar dominance for decades- and controlling Iran's, a sovereign country, resources. In 1953 our CIA implemented to deposing of their leader and installed a *friendly* leader (by what authority did our CIA do that)- for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction- some things can't be denied- there is no time line on a reaction until it occurs- guess what's occurring? This year marks 67 years-
Yea, they are a sovereign country that kills innocent people.
For nothing.
Yea, they are a sovereign country that kills innocent people.
For nothing.
That depends on perspective- there is no time line assigned to reaction until it occurs- on top of that the US doesn't have the authority from its rules of governance to be involved, good, bad or indifferent- this is a monkey see monkey do world and when the head monkey acts a fool, why shouldn't the rest of the monkeys do the same? Begets begets- the subject is immaterial.
The US does as it pleases, why can't others? The US invades sovereign countries, on pretense, why can't others? Might does not make right. It creates fear, not respect. If what one has to bargain with is all that good it doesn't need to be forced- who's the chief bargainer? If mutual agreement can't be reached then apparently the one being negotiated with doesn't believe the trade is in his best interests- unless one considers staying alive a best interest- it has nothing to do with anything other than dominance being forced, not negotiated, and resisting it- and the mighty US, just like the mobsters have to show the world they will do whatever it takes to prove it has the moral high ground and kill you if you don't believe it- begets begets.
Yea, they are a sovereign country that kills innocent people.
For nothing.
That depends on perspective- there is no time line assigned to reaction until it occurs- on top of that the US doesn't have the authority from its rules of governance to be involved, good, bad or indifferent- this is a monkey see monkey do world and when the head monkey acts a fool, why shouldn't the rest of the monkeys do the same? Begets begets- the subject is immaterial.
The US does as it pleases, why can't others? The US invades sovereign countries, on pretense, why can't others? Might does not make right. It creates fear, not respect. If what one has to bargain with is all that good it doesn't need to be forced- who's the chief bargainer? If mutual agreement can't be reached then apparently the one being negotiated with doesn't believe the trade is in his best interests- unless one considers staying alive a best interest- it has nothing to do with anything other than dominance being forced, not negotiated, and resisting it- and the mighty US, just like the mobsters have to show the world they will do whatever it takes to prove it has the moral high ground and kill you if you don't believe it- begets begets.
So do you support america killing innocent people? Overthrowing elected leaders?
I'm confused
So do you support america killing innocent people? Overthrowing elected leaders?
No and no. I'm against using force except in self defense- or retaliation, which can be defined as self defense.
That harkens back to for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and the timeline is assigned after it happens-
Iran is the world’s forth largest oil producer, which makes it attractive to many hostile neighbors, and to big oil companies. This is reason enough for concern, but Iran is also geographically important, at least in the eyes of American foreign policy makers. Iran is bordered by Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, and Turkmenistan, and is just across the Persian Gulf from Saudi, Arabia. Iran literally is the middle of the Middle East. Iran also borders the Caspian Sea, and the U.S. has long been after those huge stores of oil. Much of the reason for the war in Afghanistan was based on building and securing the north-south oil pipeline that would allow oil delivery from the Caspian through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and into Pakistan. Securing Iran would take the U.S. a step closer to gaining access to the oil in the Caspian, but at what cost?

Targeting Iran: A Fool’s Game! -
According to World Fact Book, Iran is number #6. Iraq is #4

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