Simon Wiesenthal Center Goes All 'Inglourious Basterds' On Media Matters...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
The Simon Wiesenthal Center attacks Antisemitism at Media Matters and Center for American Progress.

Media Matters for America’s Senior Fellow MJ Rosenberg has become infamous for accusing any American Jews who support Israel of dual loyalty (he calls them Israel-firsters). He also has claimed the evil Israel lobby” controls both the media and the U.S. foreign policy. He also uses the term “neo-con” as a slang pejorative term for Jews who are politically conservative. Rosenberg is not the only Jew-Basher at Media Matters, just the most vocal.

Rosenberg and his fellow progressives at MMFA and Center for American Progress have finally picked on the wrong Jews: The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC). Formed by the famous Nazi-hunter, the SWC’s only purpose is to preach tolerance. Unlike groups such as the ADL and the AJC, which often lean left, the Wiesenthal Center is non-political. Also unlike those groups, the Center will criticize and/or praise people on either side of the political aisle.

Last week, Politico published a piece about how the Progressive MMFA and CAP were fighting with the more mainstream Democrats about Israel. They want to change the party to the Anti-Israel Party. The article reported that the battle was being led by several bloggers at Media Matters and the Center for American Progress’s Think Progress blog.

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Simon Wiesenthal Center Attacks Antisemitism at Media Matters and Center for American Progress - Big Journalism
The Left sure has become very Antisemitic in recent years. The Democrats are gonna lose a lot of Jewish support in the coming years.

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