Silent Night - cold opening


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
(definition of terms: "cold" used as a broadcast term meaning started immediately ('cold') without introduction)

It's a week old but who else noticed how Saturday Night Live began their program on December 15 (the night after Newtown) and how powerful and appropriate it was?

I tuned in wondering how they would handle it -- maybe start with a serious short monologue from a cast member or Lorne Michaels acknowledging "we're all shocked but we have some comedy to do"?
Ignore it and just go to the show as normal?
Cancel the show put on a network "special report"?

None of the above - what they did was this - Tale yourself back - it's the day after the Newtown massacre and it's all you've heard about for the last 36 hours...

Sorry you'll have to sit through a commercial (somebody always has to profit) and I can't get this to show up as a video but only a link...

This is one of the most powerful moments I've ever seen on TV, not just SNL (and as you can see by my avatar, I'm not easily impressed).
Struck exactly the right tone, straight and respectful, and needed no explanation at all. I still can't watch it without tearing up.

Whoever came up with this opening (and they had no more than 36 hours to make it happen) is a genius. Bravo, SNL.

Hearing "Silent Night" will never be the same again.
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Another version that always gets me. Merry Christmas.

[ame=]silent night 7:00 news - Simon and Garfunkel.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

Simon & Garfunkel- 7 O'Clock News/Silent Night

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