shut it all down

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
If the GOP insists on payng the present game, the President should send every Federal Employee, including military home twenty four hours after the vote. Give them what they want, minimum federal government.
If the GOP insists on payng the present game, the President should send every Federal Employee, including military home twenty four hours after the vote. Give them what they want, minimum federal government.

Yeah, I would like to see him do that.

Urge him to go for it.
Wonder if there would be a garage sale? I'd love to have some of the Capital gym equipment..

Does that mean "no school" on Monday? Oh wait -- it's summer vacation. Let's start with the Dept of Ed?
Sounds good to me.

That would be the last time Americans ever elect a Democrat, so go right ahead: destroy the Democrat party. I urge you to do it.

No it won't. Plus, I don't really care. As soon as people tire of the GOP, people will swing back to the Dems. After the last 8 years, the GOP should have been marginalized and a fringe party. However, the defunct Dems have only empowered them.

The cycle continues...
The blame will rest squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans/T-Partiers.

How so? Will Obama hold a press conference and claim the Republicans made him do it?

Democrat political theory is indistinguishable from playground ethics.
The blame will rest squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans/T-Partiers.

How so? Will Obama hold a press conference and claim the Republicans made him do it?

Democrat political theory is indistinguishable from playground ethics.

It sounds like the American people will be holding the GOP more to blame than anyone else. Maybe that's why the GOP is caving?

A plurality of 37 percent say they would blame congressional Republicans if the current budget disagreement leads to a shutdown of the federal government, while 20 percent say they would blame President Obama and another 20 percent would blame congressional Democrats.

First Read - NBC/WSJ poll: Government shutdown blame game
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The blame will rest squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans/T-Partiers.

How so? Will Obama hold a press conference and claim the Republicans made him do it?

Democrat political theory is indistinguishable from playground ethics.

It sounds like the American people will be holding the GOP more to blame than anyone else. Maybe that's why the GOP is caving?

A plurality of 37 percent say they would blame congressional Republicans if the current budget disagreement leads to a shutdown of the federal government, while 20 percent say they would blame President Obama and another 20 percent would blame congressional Democrats.

First Read - NBC/WSJ poll: Government shutdown blame game

Poll: Majority Would Blame Republicans For Any Government Shutdown | TPMDC

( emphasis added)

Um, Well if 20 percent blamed Obama and another 20 percent blamed the Democrats ( as your article says) -- that is 40% of blame in total for democrats, no?
CaféAuLait;3841589 said:
How so? Will Obama hold a press conference and claim the Republicans made him do it?

Democrat political theory is indistinguishable from playground ethics.

It sounds like the American people will be holding the GOP more to blame than anyone else. Maybe that's why the GOP is caving?

A plurality of 37 percent say they would blame congressional Republicans if the current budget disagreement leads to a shutdown of the federal government, while 20 percent say they would blame President Obama and another 20 percent would blame congressional Democrats.

First Read - NBC/WSJ poll: Government shutdown blame game

Poll: Majority Would Blame Republicans For Any Government Shutdown | TPMDC

( emphasis added)

Um, Well if 20 percent blamed Obama and another 20 percent blamed the Democrats ( as your article says) -- that is 40% of blame in total for democrats, no?

These Liberal Idiots can not even do math dude. Between those who would blame Obama, and those who would blame Democrats. You have 3% more than those who would blame Republicans.

Go ahead. Shut it down.

I especially like the send the Military home idea. That will go over so well for Obama. He sure to win re-election after he Puts Thousands of US military Personal at risk. As they Abandon their Positions and Attempt to just walk away from war. A proper safe withdraw takes Time.

Not to mention all the shit that would hit the fan as soon as every 2 bit dictator, and Totalitarian asshole on earth realized the cat was away.

As far as the rest of the Government being sent home. The American people would love to see that. These libs just don't get it. They are in such a tiny Minority now, they just can not grasp it. Most Americans would welcome the Idea of All the Pencil Pushing, Money sucking, Bureaucrats being sent home.
CaféAuLait;3841589 said:
It sounds like the American people will be holding the GOP more to blame than anyone else. Maybe that's why the GOP is caving?

First Read - NBC/WSJ poll: Government shutdown blame game

Poll: Majority Would Blame Republicans For Any Government Shutdown | TPMDC

( emphasis added)

Um, Well if 20 percent blamed Obama and another 20 percent blamed the Democrats ( as your article says) -- that is 40% of blame in total for democrats, no?

These Liberal Idiots can not even do math dude. Between those who would blame Obama, and those who would blame Democrats. You have 3% more than those who would blame Republicans.

Go ahead. Shut it down.

I especially like the send the Military home idea. That will go over so well for Obama. He sure to win re-election after he Puts Thousands of US military Personal at risk. As they Abandon their Positions and Attempt to just walk away from war. A proper safe withdraw takes Time.

Not to mention all the shit that would hit the fan as soon as every 2 bit dictator, and Totalitarian asshole on earth realized the cat was away.

As far as the rest of the Government being sent home. The American people would love to see that. These libs just don't get it. They are in such a tiny Minority now, they just can not grasp it. Most Americans would welcome the Idea of All the Pencil Pushing, Money sucking, Bureaucrats being sent home.

I guess I could have added the following.........

On taxes, the poll reported that roughly two out of three registered voters — 64 percent — would be in favor of increasing taxes on annual income over $250,000.

Poll: Raise taxes on wealthy, leave Medicare, Medicaid alone - The Hill's On The Money

So when the American people see that the reason the GOP is willing to risk a government shutdown, cut military pay and cut medicare for poor senior citizens only to protect their wealthy donors then we'll see just who gets the blame.

And since it's CONGRESS that sets the budget and pays the bills then Obama could be in a position where he has no choice than to bring the troops home, right?

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Yeah, send home the military. That's a great idea. See if we win another election.

They've had some briefings about what would happen re: shutdown. They won't get paid.
Yeah, send home the military. That's a great idea. See if we win another election.

They've had some briefings about what would happen re: shutdown. They won't get paid.

And anyone who doesn't believe that the GOP would not bear the brunt of the blame must be living in la la land.

The blame will rest squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans/T-Partiers.

How so? Will Obama hold a press conference and claim the Republicans made him do it?

Democrat political theory is indistinguishable from playground ethics.

Because Kyl. Cantor, other extreme wingers have actually been taunting the president to shut it down? Rs have been dragging their feet on this and it's time to show America what that concept of shutting it down really means.
And so the 'blame game' is played.

While y'all point the finger at the other guy, invest in a mirror, cuz both sides are equally at fault.

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