Show us your birt cert Mr President

Different standards s from when pious Howard Baker -R - asked in the Watergate hearings _What did the president know -and when did he know it?"
Well if you think something is up then go for it.

I am going to figure out the social security math for fixing it then do some 3D CAD work. This 3D printing is probably going to amount to something soon and you know about having job skills.

Still though if that is the best use of your time go for it.
Sheriff Joes deputies proved the sig nature on the BC was a forgery.........................

Serious suggestion -

Tell Duh Donuld AND Ted (poopy pants) Nugent.

I'm sure they'll get right on it.

Do me a favor, wouldja?

When you get Joe, Donald, Ted on the phone, ask them to explain how Magic Barry managed to transport himself from Kenya to Hawaii, put two [sic] "birt certs" in two different Honolulu newspapers and still get back to Kenya in time to be born.

Get back to us on that, wouldja?


And, helluva job you're doin', Brownie.
Different standards s from when pious Howard Baker -R - asked in the Watergate hearings _What did the president know -and when did he know it?"

Regardless of what happened at Benghazi and afterwards, where's the impeachable offense?
Different standards s from when pious Howard Baker -R - asked in the Watergate hearings _What did the president know -and when did he know it?"

Regardless of what happened at Benghazi and afterwards, where's the impeachable offense?

Faking a Birth Certificate.

Like Obamas handlers did just prior to the 2008 election.
Different standards s from when pious Howard Baker -R - asked in the Watergate hearings _What did the president know -and when did he know it?"

Regardless of what happened at Benghazi and afterwards, where's the impeachable offense?

Faking a Birth Certificate.

Like Obamas handlers did just prior to the 2008 election.

How do you fake birth announcements in not one but two Hawaiian newspapers? The only thing I think is fake is the analysis of the birthers.
Oh get over it. He's President for the next for years or until he resigns or the unthinkable happens. Getting distracted with silly stuff like this is going to just give him more power because it will stop us from uniting to do things to empower the people.

Power to the people. That is so '70s.

Oh yeah- when Carter got elected. It's all coming back to me.

Hell, I voted for Carter. That lying sack of horse shit.
Regardless of what happened at Benghazi and afterwards, where's the impeachable offense?

Faking a Birth Certificate.

Like Obamas handlers did just prior to the 2008 election.

How do you fake birth announcements in not one but two Hawaiian newspapers? The only thing I think is fake is the analysis of the birthers.

It' s easy in this day-and-age to fake old newspaper stories.
This much is certain: the signature on the long-form birth cert was a computer-generated fake.

Impeach the SOB.
Nixon won a landslide in 72 (The Silent Majority)

Got impeached over a 3rd rate burglary.

The birthers arent going to let this drop.
I hope the Republcians aren't going to start the big ear thing again.
The race isn't over

Obamas minnions FORGED the long term birth cert signature....................
Buddy, do you have anny issue issues which hit close to home? Perhaps we can come up with a few debate points to win folks over.

Defunding social security and forcing the money into the stock market will increase the value of 401k's for example

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