Show off new, post-election avatars here

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Sorta like an Easter parade but a lot more fun.

Also, new sigs ...

Thought maybe we could do it in a non-confrontational way so posting it in the non-combat zone.
I'm glad I didn't make a bet with anyone
to change my avatar to something ridiculous.

I am using the logo off the Code of Ethics for Government Service,
which I also use for my facebook account for church-state constitutional issues.

I took a vow to uphold the Constitution in '92 back when Clinton took office,
leaving out representation for half the country. The partisan politics in the 90's
are what inspired me to finish and publish my musical satire JULIET & ROMEO online.
Juliet & Romeo: A Play on Life in America

Being married to the Constitution, while the govt abuses it is like being in an abusive
relationship, where you are the only one willing to go through counseling to save it

Still, I took my vows, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty and
wealth. And I still regret it, as it is the hardest commitment I've ever tried to keep.
Sometimes I think God let me do that, and try to enforce these standards by practicing them,
just to tell me "I told you so" when it couldn't be done without reforming everything else in the way.

With Christianity, at least you know you are going to fall short of the laws and need to rely on God. With governmental laws, these CALL FOR equal protection of the laws and not to discriminate or to deny justice or due process, PERIOD. Our legal and democratic systems have limits, where after following the procedures there is nothing else you can do, but that doesn't change the fact the laws REQUIRE us to uphold equal protections (by NOT allowing violations or abuses to begin with, instead of waiting until afterwards to address them). So that is one area constantly abused; that because there are limits, then if people know they can outlast or bypass the system of checks and balances, there is nothing to stop them from doing things they know are not constitutionally fair and inclusive. By my standards it is still unconstitutional to do these things, in the first place. Just because there are checks after the fact doesn't give you the right to pass laws or make decisions that are unlawful or unethical. The govt bureaucracy we have now almost invites this kind of tactic, where you do whatever you can get away with "until and unless something stops you." It should be respect for the law that stops you in the first place, not waiting for objections afterwards.

So I have a real moral dilemma and conflict with the system currently used this way.
That is why I more often than not REGRET taking a vow to uphold the Constitution to this level of equal protection and inclusion; because unless other people agree to the same, it is almost impossible to enforce. Everyone seems to take the political shortcut of giving up on where there is conflict, and bullying over the other sides by blaming them for the conflict instead of resolving it where everyone's views and interests are satisfied and included.

That takes so much work, and few people even believe it is possible, so not enough people are trying to resolve issues and to form consensus policies and solutions. It just seems easier to keep playing the same political cards and games, and try to win by emotional bullying.

Totally disagree with that as unconstitutional abuse of democratic/due process, but I am in the minority and can only defend my own views where people respect consent as I do. If they believe in putting majority rule above consent, then I usually get bulldozed over.
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I'm glad I didn't make a bet with anyone
to change my avatar to something ridiculous.

I am using the logo off the Code of Ethics for Government Service

These statements contradict each other.
Here is a list of new avatars to be used.




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