Should we take away the term limit for a President?

Jun 26, 2005
Ontario, Canada eh?
I think we should, a President should run as long as he wants. A good example of this is Reagan. He would have won a third term :thup: if he wasn't limited to two terms. Clinton would have won another, god help us :puke3: . Bush would probably win a third term :clap1: , which is needed for the re-construction of Iraq and fighting the war on terrorism.
Big Blue Machin said:
I think we should, a President should run as long as he wants. A good example of this is Reagan. He would have won a third term :thup: if he wasn't limited to two terms. Clinton would have won another, god help us :puke3: . Bush would probably win a third term :clap1: , which is needed for the re-construction of Iraq and fighting the war on terrorism.

I'm of two minds on this isssue so probably not the best for debate, but here goes. I'm for the 22nd Amendment as George Washington set the precedent and it is good for the country twofold; requiring a new chief executive at least every 8 years brings new leadership and vitality to the office; if a President cannot achieve their objectives in two terms they were either limited in vision or not generally supported in their positions by the electorate. I'm against the 22nd Amendment because it causes a second term President to be a lame duck politically after their reelection.It decreases the power of the office in this respect.. In addition it limits the will of the people in not providing an additional opportunity to reelect a President the majority prefers. There you go. I'm sure others can give you better arguments than I have included but those are my two cents worth..
Term limits are a good idea. Politicians should be elected based on ideas and results, not their cult of personality.
Mr. P said:
No, and we should impose term limits on Congrees too.

Exactly. I think that you should have a limit imposed on how long you can be a federal elected official, say thirty years total.

So if you serve 20 years in Congress, you could theoretically serve 10 as the President (of which only eight would work due to election cycles).

I'm not real hung up on the mechanism for limiting. I want to allow people to serve, but I don't want them entrenched to the point they are non removeable.

Another mechanism would be to require breaks in service. Say a two for one deal.

Example is that you serve two senate terms (twelve years), you are required to take a break for six years. Then you can run again. I would apply this to all federal elected positions. Under this scenario, Bill could run again now (oh gawd) and GW could run again after a four year break. Then we could have a tie breaker of Bill v George. Imagine the violence
That would be great TV.

Finally, you know that to impose a limit on Congress that will take an Amendment right? The USSC already stated that a state cannot impose a limit on FEDERAL service.
I think term limits are a good idea. The only way I got throght Clinton's term was the knowledge that he'd be out in eight years.
I have mixed emotions about term limits. There is the urge to say, "No, the people should decide if someone has served too long or not." Then again, it was never intended for people to be career politicians. Limit terms, and there might well be more concentration on getting something done rather than setting things up for re-election. Limiting a presidents term, as well as terms for congress and the senate, could also lessen the power of special interest groups.
Big Blue Machin said:
I think we should, a President should run as long as he wants. A good example of this is Reagan. He would have won a third term :thup: if he wasn't limited to two terms. Clinton would have won another, god help us :puke3: . Bush would probably win a third term :clap1: , which is needed for the re-construction of Iraq and fighting the war on terrorism.

DUDE - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD - When will your tard-ass understand there IS NO "WE" when discussing AMerican Politics... YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN - so please, stop with this "We" bullshit...
Term limits may be the single greatest block for keeping the system from turning slowly into a one party system. Take this for an example, the democratic party runs a strong cannidate for President, say Clinton, he gets his two terms and then gets to run for a third, he has the very decent advantage of being the incumbent, he probably wins. He runs a fourth, unless he totaly fucks up (hehehe) his third term he again has the advantage of being the incumbent and probably wins. Now that is sixteen years of Clinton Administation. So the eighteen year old voters remember Clinton as always being the president and the democrats haveing control of the presidency. Now lets assume that Clinton dies (wishfull thinking for some of you). The democratic party now has the advantage of a very long stay in the white house, and the sympathy vote. They win, next election they have an incumbent and another four years in the white house. Term limits help decrease the advantage of incumbency (you can only be incubent once).
-Cp said:
DUDE - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD - When will your tard-ass understand there IS NO "WE" when discussing AMerican Politics... YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN - so please, stop with this "We" bullshit...
Yea know I was thinkin the same thing...why does a foreigner give a chit..
I don't care about Canada and their system..I don't live there..Hey maybe that's it!
They want to live HERE!
I wonder why? After all, the USA is a terrible place, so they say.:rolleyes:
I would support a constitutional term limitation on Congress. I would make them higher though. 18 years (3 terms) for Senators, 16 years (8 terms) for the House. The reasoning is that continuity and leadership are important, and aren't learned overnight.
gop_jeff said:
I would support a constitutional term limitation on Congress. I would make them higher though. 18 years (3 terms) for Senators, 16 years (8 terms) for the House. The reasoning is that continuity and leadership are important, and aren't learned overnight.

On the other hand the public doesn't vote to send a representative to school to
learn leadership or continuity..They are sent to represent the electorate, if elected one would hope they already can lead, and continuity is more in line with party platform than learned OJT.

I think this concept is some 200+ years old..but no longer practiced.
I like term limits for the practical reason of staying fresh. I like em for the philosophical reason of another check against entrenchment or dictatorship. I like em for the personal reason of revenge, I want the SOB's to actually live under the laws they make. :bang3:
Mr. P said:
No, and we should impose term limits on Congress too.

Amen to that!
If term limits were abolished, any president with power and money could become president for life. The money machine would keep on rolling.

Of course, you realize that, without term limits, Clinton would still be president. Bush barely defeated Al Gore, for God's sake.
No need for term limits...Demos can't win a race for dog catcher in the forseeable future let alone federal office. Repubs are sure to occupy the White House and Congress for many years if not decades to come, if only they could be conservative Republicans instead of Libs and moderates...ahh only in a perfect world.

Bill Clinton would've been wiped in 2000, we don't reelect impeached losers.
Bill Clinton would've been wiped in 2000, we don't reelect impeached losers

Duh, Bush couldn't even defeat moronic Al Gore. He had to be appointed by the Supreme Court. Bush was unproven and not that well respected. Clinton would have wiped him out. Because of term limits, we now have a hick instead of a dick in charge.

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