Should we eliminate science from public schools?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
Science (as in Bacon's inductive method) is just an archaic holdover from the 16th century, and outside of a minority of industries where it has some pragmatic function, is more or less useless, especially given that K-12 education, and most low-level college education is dumbed down to something akin to the 6th grade reading level, intended only for people with IQs in the 100 range or so.

I'd argue that it should be reduced to an elective, only for people who are going into it for a full time job in some scientific industry (much as we don't teach medicine as a general subject in schools, except for students going into medical school looking for a job in a medical industry).

After we scrap science, (and hopefully most of the popular myths, superstitions, and nonsensical or archaic 19th century teleogogies associated with it by the uneducated or barely educated classes of people), we can replace it with superior subjects; law for one, would be a much better subjects for schools and universities to teach as a general subject, given how uneducated and misinformed the average American is about the basics of his own legal systems, "rights", and institutions.

In regards to philosophical voids left, we can easily teach something akin to the Structural-Systematic creation philosophy, which would be far superior moral, intellectual, and aesthetic philosophy than most of the trashy, anti-intellectual, and aesthetically inferor "pop philosophy" associated with the biological theory of evolution (or whatever archaic 19th century information on said theory or theories is passed off as education in public schools universities, and lowbrow mass media and their outdated methodologies), and the nonsensical rantings and ravings about it from the low-IQ mouth-breathers who naturally dumb whatever few grains they've gleaned on it down to the lowest common denominator; the point of it being as laughable to more or less anyone with intellectual, social, or emotional intelligence above the 90-100 range such archaic snake oil is peddled to, akin to morons believing that X-Men or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is real life.
I’d argue we should simply eliminate public schools (above sixth grade at least) and make the education of children a private matter for each family and community.
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I’d argue we should simply eliminate public schools (above sixth grade at least) and make the education of children a private matter for each family and community.
That's not a bad idea, perhaps public college and university as well; leaving it restricted to the private domain. (Do this, and all of the radical left identity politics, "critical theory", and such would cease to exist in America and Britain overnight as well).

The only remaining sides would be the "conservative" (center-left), the "nationalists" (center to center right), and the "left" (crazy party; protest vote bucket; white supremacist's crossover party).

It's not like a paltry K-12 education, or even the bare minimum required to attain a public bachelor's degree is anything at all to begin with; obviously it isn't if someone with an IQ 100 or a 6th grade reading level is capable of meeting the bare minimum.

(I say this as someone likely in the top 1% percentile in terms of language and mathematical reasoning ability).
I’d argue we should simply eliminate public schools (above sixth grade at least) and make the education of children a private matter for each family and community.
I agree to the point that districts, communities and parents should each direct the education of the youth.
Science is now covered up by education systems

The fetus with its own DNA is covered up to help mass murder babies

Educators today are disgusting people
Thereby guaranteeing that the United States will become more of a banana republic.

Not at all. Most families would find ways to get their kids the appropriate education for their kids... whether that’s an apprenticeship in a trade, higher academic education, or learning domestic or agricultural skills at home.
I’d argue we should simply eliminate public schools (above sixth grade at least) and make the education of children a private matter for each family and community.

Thereby guaranteeing that the United States will become more of a banana republic.
You're an idiot; education only up to the 6th grade level, or the IQ 100 range has no measurable effect on such things - it's primarily a system of "time training", training "workmen" to begin with, most of what few scraps are learned or "drilled" in such an archaic, "fast food" education system (as per experts like Daniel Kaufman) would be forgotten.

Only those pursuing more advanced forms of education in such a field are relevant, such as those seeking advanced degrees or learing, such as with the intent of a job as a physicist would be relevant to any significant advancement or discovery in one of the physical sciences.

The average American who graduates from one of these archaic systems, with no more education than the bare minimum required to graduate, can barely even read or write, with little to know understanding of reading comprehension, such as contextual reading - yet they falsely get labeled "fluent" in English, when they're barely even 1 rung above pure illiteracy, let alone actually "fluent" in the sense that a language maven like Shakespeare or Hemmingway is.

(I'm someone who's actually fluent in English, as in the top 1% percentile, and I literally have to dumb myself down most of the time I try to articulate this to simpletons, just to keep it at a level they can actually understand).
The problem with education is that their is not enough science, not enough analytics, not enough critical thinking, not enough communications and writing. Too much regurgitation of political thought. My son is in a top school district yet his high school English teacher wishes to talk more about racial issues to the point she splits out whites and non whites. His computer science teacher likes to talk Black History at the cost of valuable time to teach the kids critical skills in a digital economy ( hey, during Black History month, take 5 minutes, site Black contributors to the industry and get into critical content, not at the expense of it.)
The problem with education is that their is not enough science, not enough analytics, not enough critical thinking, not enough communications and writing. Too much regurgitation of political thought. My son is in a top school district yet his high school English teacher wishes to talk more about racial issues to the point she splits out whites and non whites. His computer science teacher likes to talk Black History at the cost of valuable time to teach the kids critical skills in a digital economy ( hey, during Black History month, take 5 minutes, site Black contributors to the industry and get into critical content, not at the expense of it.)
Law is more relevant to day to day lives; most Americans don't even know their basic state or constitutional rights, or the bare basics of how communicating with police, self-defense, or the civil and criminal court systems work.

I think this would be much more pertinent to training informed citizens than subjects which have no practical application for most people who don't become an expert in such a field.
Science (as in Bacon's inductive method) is just an archaic holdover from the 16th century, and outside of a minority of industries where it has some pragmatic function, is more or less useless, especially given that K-12 education, and most low-level college education is dumbed down to something akin to the 6th grade reading level, intended only for people with IQs in the 100 range or so.

I'd argue that it should be reduced to an elective, only for people who are going into it for a full time job in some scientific industry (much as we don't teach medicine as a general subject in schools, except for students going into medical school looking for a job in a medical industry).

After we scrap science, (and hopefully most of the popular myths, superstitions, and nonsensical or archaic 19th century teleogogies associated with it by the uneducated or barely educated classes of people), we can replace it with superior subjects; law for one, would be a much better subjects for schools and universities to teach as a general subject, given how uneducated and misinformed the average American is about the basics of his own legal systems, "rights", and institutions.

In regards to philosophical voids left, we can easily teach something akin to the Structural-Systematic creation philosophy, which would be far superior moral, intellectual, and aesthetic philosophy than most of the trashy, anti-intellectual, and aesthetically inferor "pop philosophy" associated with the biological theory of evolution (or whatever archaic 19th century information on said theory or theories is passed off as education in public schools universities, and lowbrow mass media and their outdated methodologies), and the nonsensical rantings and ravings about it from the low-IQ mouth-breathers who naturally dumb whatever few grains they've gleaned on it down to the lowest common denominator; the point of it being as laughable to more or less anyone with intellectual, social, or emotional intelligence above the 90-100 range such archaic snake oil is peddled to, akin to morons believing that X-Men or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is real life.

Is this supposed to be some kind of joke thread?
The problem with education is that their is not enough science, not enough analytics, not enough critical thinking, not enough communications and writing. Too much regurgitation of political thought. My son is in a top school district yet his high school English teacher wishes to talk more about racial issues to the point she splits out whites and non whites. His computer science teacher likes to talk Black History at the cost of valuable time to teach the kids critical skills in a digital economy ( hey, during Black History month, take 5 minutes, site Black contributors to the industry and get into critical content, not at the expense of it.)

Which is why no child of mine would ever find themselves inside a public school, at any level. Private school or, most likely homeschooling
I’d argue we should simply eliminate public schools (above sixth grade at least) and make the education of children a private matter for each family and community.

you know what you’re saying sounds like a radical idea, but with technology people have the ability to educate themselves more than ever, and schools have been failing society on many different levels.
The problem with education is that their is not enough science, not enough analytics, not enough critical thinking, not enough communications and writing. Too much regurgitation of political thought. My son is in a top school district yet his high school English teacher wishes to talk more about racial issues to the point she splits out whites and non whites. His computer science teacher likes to talk Black History at the cost of valuable time to teach the kids critical skills in a digital economy ( hey, during Black History month, take 5 minutes, site Black contributors to the industry and get into critical content, not at the expense of it.)
Law is more relevant to day to day lives; most Americans don't even know their basic state or constitutional rights, or the bare basics of how communicating with police, self-defense, or the civil and criminal court systems work.

I think this would be much more pertinent to training informed citizens than subjects which have no practical application for most people who don't become an expert in such a field.
who will maintain the infra structure?...
you know what you’re saying sounds like a radical idea, but with technology people have the ability to educate themselves more than ever, and schools have been failing society on many different levels.

Very true. Additionally, this system allows for a far broader array of options: trade schools, apprenticeship, tech focused training, agricultural and domestic training, etc... This schools allow individual students to focus on whatever their best path to success is going to be.

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