Should we bring back the draft?

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007

Not only should we but we should end the student exemption so all people between 18 and 45 are eligible to be drafted.

It's the only way to make people care about war. As it stands the government and it's corrupt politicians can feel justified in fighting undeclared wars and wasting the lives of our brave soldiers on political games of brinksmanship. After all soldiers are volunteers so it's easy to rationalize and weigh the costs of their lives against political gains.

If the draft was reinstated and 100% inclusive of men and women our so called leaders would be a little less likely to send young men and women to their deaths in undeclared wars against countries that pose no threat to our national security because we would all be in the line of fire.

It's the only way to make our out of control government more accountable
Hell no! you have heard good money after bad??,your plan wouldn't effect DC at all,did it make any difference before??
The problem with a draft is that it is more difficult for a president to invade nations without good cause. At least that should have been the lesson we learned from Vietnam. With a volunteer army the president has much greater latitude to create small presidential type wars.
So your idea is that the best way to make government more accountable is to give them the power to force people into war? I'm sure that'll work. Giving someone more power has, historically, always been a sure-fire way to get them to exercise more restraint.
Everyone should serve their county - mandatory - like Israel.
Those who serve will have a greater appreciation for the freedom(s) they enjoy.

Not only should we but we should end the student exemption so all people between 18 and 45 are eligible to be drafted.

It's the only way to make people care about war. As it stands the government and it's corrupt politicians can feel justified in fighting undeclared wars and wasting the lives of our brave soldiers on political games of brinksmanship. After all soldiers are volunteers so it's easy to rationalize and weigh the costs of their lives against political gains.

If the draft was reinstated and 100% inclusive of men and women our so called leaders would be a little less likely to send young men and women to their deaths in undeclared wars against countries that pose no threat to our national security because we would all be in the line of fire.

It's the only way to make our out of control government more accountable

Bring it back and stipulate that all eligible children of Congressmen and Senator's are the first to go.

Not only should we but we should end the student exemption so all people between 18 and 45 are eligible to be drafted.

It's the only way to make people care about war. As it stands the government and it's corrupt politicians can feel justified in fighting undeclared wars and wasting the lives of our brave soldiers on political games of brinksmanship. After all soldiers are volunteers so it's easy to rationalize and weigh the costs of their lives against political gains.

If the draft was reinstated and 100% inclusive of men and women our so called leaders would be a little less likely to send young men and women to their deaths in undeclared wars against countries that pose no threat to our national security because we would all be in the line of fire.

It's the only way to make our out of control government more accountable

Bring it back and stipulate that all eligible children of Congressmen and Senator's are the first to go.

Why? Are they eligible?
The draft, as I recall, didn't "blanket draft" everyone who was a child.
In college?
No draft.
No draft.
Employed w/the government?
No draft

Using your logic - Barack Hussein's daughters better get ready

Not only should we but we should end the student exemption so all people between 18 and 45 are eligible to be drafted.

It's the only way to make people care about war. As it stands the government and it's corrupt politicians can feel justified in fighting undeclared wars and wasting the lives of our brave soldiers on political games of brinksmanship. After all soldiers are volunteers so it's easy to rationalize and weigh the costs of their lives against political gains.

If the draft was reinstated and 100% inclusive of men and women our so called leaders would be a little less likely to send young men and women to their deaths in undeclared wars against countries that pose no threat to our national security because we would all be in the line of fire.

It's the only way to make our out of control government more accountable

Bring it back and stipulate that all eligible children of Congressmen and Senator's are the first to go.

Why? Are they eligible?
The draft, as I recall, didn't "blanket draft" everyone who was a child.
In college?
No draft.
No draft.
Employed w/the government?
No draft

Using your logic - Barack Hussein's daughters better get ready

I was piggy backing on Skull Pilot's post which stipulated no exceptions.

But you ask why would I want such a rule?

So that those who are sending people off to die for their country are guaranteed to share the sacrifice with the rest of America.
There are no guarantees when you enlist
You of all people should know this.

Actually, you can have an AFSC slot guaranteed when you enlist, unless you wash out.

But what's guaranteed when you enlist, ins't the matter.

The point is to make so those in charge of sending us to fight are damned sure it's worth it when they do.
The point is to make so those in charge of sending us to fight are damned sure it's worth it.

Impressive mission. Go for it.
Let's explain to the U.S. military every desired positive outcome for the US prior to committing them to any mission.
The problem with a draft is that it is more difficult for a president to invade nations without good cause. At least that should have been the lesson we learned from Vietnam. With a volunteer army the president has much greater latitude to create small presidential type wars.

exactly Nixon's dream.....

The point is to make so those in charge of sending us to fight are damned sure it's worth it.

Impressive mission. Go for it.
Let's explain to the U.S. military every desired positive outcome for the US prior to committing them to any mission.

Less stop idiocy like tens of thousands dead in undeclared wars of political brinksmanship
The Masters don't need a draft, thank you very much.

When they need it, no doubt they'll have it in place in a matter of weeks.

They're terribly effective social engineers, you know?
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