Should This Video Be Banned? YOU DECIDE!


Nov 7, 2008
I ran across this video - What do you think?

[ame=]YouTube - Should This Video Be Banned? YOU DECIDE![/ame]
I think it is an advertising ploy and the video is readily available on YOUTUBE and many other sites and I have checked many of the facts out and they are often inaccurate

Me too, I think the authors doth protest to much. This hardly seems like something youtube would remove (people can swear all they want on youtube yet it still bleeps out profanity).
I have checked many of the facts out and they are often inaccurate

This is the part I wondered about. Are the facts misrepresented in this video? I’ll have to do some checking too.
I know this is technically an ad hominem attack but...

This is part of a larger video with 9/11 conspiracy stuff in it.

That doesn't mean this unrelated section is wrong, but I'd take this with a grain of salt (several actually).
No video should be banned. Adults assume responsibility for what they watch and each child is the responsibility of his or her parent or guardian. It is just that simple.
No video should be banned. Adults assume responsibility for what they watch and each child is the responsibility of his or her parent or guardian. It is just that simple.

I believe the Constitution of the United States says something very similar to that.

Saying that someone wants to ban a video/book/article, or whatever is a sure way to get people to read it or watch it. It's a ploy, no more or less. The moguls of rant radio (Hannity, Limbaugh, et. al.) do the same thing with the so called "fairness doctrine", which they know is dead anyway.

As for the content, it is certainly thought provoking, but no different from what is in The Da Vinci Code.

Here is a confirmation of what the video says about Horus:
You know....if YouTube really did bleep out the stuff, then why in the hell does Robin Williams have his Golf bit uncensored?

Also, why is there uncensored videos of stuff like Theory of a Deadman, Bad Girlfriend, as well as some light porn on YouTube?

Nope......this is a big time hoax. Someone with an agenda apparently.
Ehh what do you mean by light porn? Youtube doesn't allow nudity and if you've found some then it's only because nobody's flagged it.

Anyway it's the forbidden fruit thing, if you tell someone they can't have something then all of a sudden they want it more.

It's one of the reasons why when people go nuts over a game/TV show/movie then it's sales/ratings go up.
I ran across this video - What do you think?

YouTube - Should This Video Be Banned? YOU DECIDE!

If you can't make a single sentence without a bleep in it, then you shouldn't be posting videos anywhere, least of all in public.

That said, no I don't think it should be banned. I didn't watch the whole thing, it was as annoying to me as The Blair Witch Project which seems to think that the more "f" words you used the better the product would be.

Here's a video that needs to be seen............

[ame=]YouTube - Prop 8 The Musical[/ame]

I don't know what's worse the guys who think 9/11 is a big conspiracy or the people who think evolution is a big conspiracy made up by scientists or that the Jews are out to get us.

I don't believe the 9/11 conspiracy bits but that second video rebuttal was a joke. Ooh let's look at the numbers they add up and match. It reminds me of the Nostradamus followers (now if you just manipulate his words over and over Nostradamus clearly predicted X, where X can be ANYTHING provided you manipulate his words enough).

Don't even get me started on VenomFangX, he's also a liar and not a very good source (there's another video of his somewhere where he says the jews had it coming in terms of the holocaust or something like that).
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