should this alleged murder be charged with a hate crime?

But "dead is dead" so why is motive in consideration in some cases but not the rest?

You shoot someone with a gun, they are dead a second later.

Then there is David Ritcheson. Some white kids, who were just kidding around, stripped him naked, burned him with cigarettes, they tried to engrave a swastika into his chest, but it's not as easy as it sounds.

They kicked him with steel-toed boots, broke bones in his face. Then, someone got the bright ideas of forcing the pointed end of a PVC patio umbrella pole up his butt hole while yelling out racist names. Sodomy wasn't enough. Fun, but not enough.

Then they poured bleach on the victim. Oh, that must have stung. The attack lasted five hours before they just got tuckered out. They left Ritcheson lying behind the house for more than 10 hours. They probably thought he was tired too.

At some point, someone called an ambulance.

What's a perforated bladder?

Ritcheson's lungs failed, and he was placed on a ventilator. But don't worry, they started them again, so it was only "assault".

According to Harris County prosecutor Mike Trent, the "kids" probably poured bleach inside the pipe as high levels of toxins were found in Ritcheson's organs.

Those on the right say, "Hey, assault is assault. It's all the same." It was only a "joke" that went a little too far. Don't make a federal case out of it.

And 15 operations later, the kid, while wearing a shit and piss bag and being confined to a wheel chair, didn't even die. At least not then. No, some months later, he got tired of being the victim and all the surgery and finally killed himself. Think those kids that tortured him thought he was a "wuss"? You betcha.

So let's see. Hmmm, would I rather have a gunshot or go through what that kid went through? Wow, that's a hard one. Gee, I'll have to think about that.

Like they say on the right, "Dead is dead" and besides, those white kids didn't kill anyone. He killed himself. All they did was "assault". Like giving someone a black eye or a fat lip.

Geesh, some people just can't take a fucking joke.

Now, tell me how a "hate crime" is the same. Tell me how "dead is dead".

Where in the law is this kind of torture covered? Except when it's a "hate crime"?

This is terrible. It should have been 'attempted murder'. That is the justice and pleas.

Have you noticed when blacks do similar things to whites (and state that it is being done because they are white), that the blacks committing the crimes are not charged with 'hate crimes' (4 black girls beating a white girl that wanted to be a big sister type near Spartenburg, SC, that resulted in her death comes to mind). If the law is not applied equally, then it is a bad law and needs to go. As for the the implied threats...there are laws against that too. Hate crime laws 'weaken' criminal laws.

ONLY in your warpped mind
It's too obvious to ignore. Th hypocrisy. It's overwhelming and palpable. The majority bitching about hate crimes have been the biggest supporters of hate crime legislation over the past ten years. You have supported torture, secret prisons, indefinite imprisonment, occupations of other nations, throwing the 4th amendment out the have supported all of that based on a crime being a hate crime by your own words.

And once again another Progressive comes to conflate war with criminal prosecutions...

But such is a common limitation of Left-think... and stands as a classic demonstration of why Progressives should not be allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.

You're so fuxxing stoopid you pretend there is a "war" to justify hiding your hypocrisy.

Ahh, there ya have it kids... "there is no war"... Everyone up to speed now?

No doubt that this will come as a surprise to the Islamic Radicals presently plotting the murder of innocents around the world, who are fairly sure that THEY'RE AT WAR; along with the several hundred thousands US AND NATO troops and intelligence operators who are pursuing those illegal combatants, are also working under the orders of their respective CinCs and the rules of War; but all of that cannot hope to stand, in the face of an emphatic contravening assurance of a Leftist; an adherent to an ideology which is founded in and rests upon nothing but: delusion, deceit and fraud.

ROFLMNAO... You can't make this crap up, kids...

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