Should There Be Laws To Regulate Sexual Behavior?

What people do in private and with mutual consent is none of my business and none of the business of anybody else.
freeandfun1 said:
What people do in private and with mutual consent is none of my business and none of the business of anybody else.

Did you read the debate?
Decent idea, with huge enforcability problems.

Not to metion HUGE precident problems. 'What people do with their own bodies..." re: cigarettes, alcohol... hell, bungee jumping.
Kathianne said:
Did you read the debate?

No, I had not when I made that post. I was just replying to the portion that read, "A proposal to make 'reckless sex' a jailable offense."

As far as I am concerned, it takes two to participate in "reckless sex" (unless rape of course, but then there are already laws for that). Therefore, they key component to my post was "with mutual consent". If it is mutual and one has something and the other doesn't know about it, in my book, they should know about it. In other words, if I go off and have sex with somebody that an STD and I just assume they are clean, I am as complicit in my contracting something as they are, even if they know they have it and don't tell me. As the feminists like to say in regards to abortion, "it is my body". Therefore, I better know where I am stick'n it so if I catch something, it isn't anybody's fault but my own.
freeandfun1 said:
No, I had not when I made that post. I was just replying to the portion that read, "A proposal to make 'reckless sex' a jailable offense."

As far as I am concerned, it takes two to participate in "reckless sex" (unless rape of course, but then there are already laws for that). Therefore, they key component to my post was "with mutual consent". If it is mutual and one has something and the other doesn't know about it, in my book, they should know about it. In other words, if I go off and have sex with somebody that an STD and I just assume they are clean, I am as complicit in my contracting something as they are, even if they know they have it and don't tell me. As the feminists like to say in regards to abortion, "it is my body". Therefore, I better know where I am stick'n it so if I catch something, it isn't anybody's fault but my own.

Hey we agree, just wanted to see if the debate held any merit. :beer:
So long as those actions do not lead to the harm of oneself, another or both, then what happens between two consenting adults behind closed doors is nobody's business.

Within the context of the article, however, the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases could be construed as harmful behavior. Particularly if one party knows they are infected with an STD and continues to engage in sexual realtions before being treated for that disease, and if their parter is unaware of their infection.. Some diseases such as genital herpes can be managed so long as those infected make their partners aware of their condition and they donnot engage in sexual activity during an active outbreak. HIV can even be managed in a relationship so long as both partners are aware of the infected person's status and both take appropriate precautions.

One might as well imprison most of the adult population if they wish to imprison anyone who has unprotected sex for the first time with a given partner. With a society as disfunctional with regards to sexuality as our is, the only thing that will trully reduce the incidence of STD's is education, not crime and punishment. People must be educated and learn that sexual relations, like so much else in this life, carry responsibility to both oneself and one's partner. We ahe cheapened sex to the point where there is little if any concept of responsibility for one's actions in that realm. We must grow up and get beyond the snickering, leering, adolescent views many have seemed to have adopted regarding sexuality.
There are already laws regulating sexual behavior. Eternal ones. The fact that there are laws though doesn't mean people won't disregard them.

The only true controls over sexual behavior is self control. People may not like it, and it is one of those ironic parodoxes of life. You are only really free when you control youself. Its something alot of people dont get. Another paradox is that you gain power over people by serving them.

Sexual behavior is a powerful thing. without self control over it true happiness wont be found.
Avatar4321 said:
There are already laws regulating sexual behavior. Eternal ones. The fact that there are laws though doesn't mean people won't disregard them.

The only true controls over sexual behavior is self control. People may not like it, and it is one of those ironic parodoxes of life. You are only really free when you control youself. Its something alot of people dont get. Another paradox is that you gain power over people by serving them.

Sexual behavior is a powerful thing. without self control over it true happiness wont be found.

I find that I agree with all but your second sentence, but that's a discussion for another thread. Take care.

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