Should Sanders adopt this mantra?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Sanders well knows that were he to win the nomination, right wingers would try to deride the fact that he is a socialist democrat (as if they knew what that really meant.)…..relying on the fact that the conservative base is too dumb to research what “socialism” really means….

However, should Sanders point out that he would be the first Jew to run for president? (Lieberman ran for the VP slot.)……After all, conservatives have long stated that they are the champions in supporting Israel………If Hillary can flaunt the gender card, and Rubio/Cruz can flaunt their Hispanic bona fides, why can’t Sanders flaunt his religious heritage?
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Sanders well knows that were he to win the nomination, right wingers would try to deride the fact that he is a socialist democrat (as if they knew what that really meant.)…..relying on the fact that the conservative base is too dumb to research what “socialism” really means….

However, should Sanders point out that he would be the first Jew to run for president? (Lieberman wan for the VP slot.)……After all, conservatives have long stated that they are the champions in supporting Israel………If Hillary can flaunt the gender card, and Rubio/Cruz can flaunt their Hispanic bona fides, why can’t Sanders flaunt his religious heritage?

He won't. Because he's the rare politician whose philosophy isn't "I'll say anything to get elected."

His positions on both Israel and his own religious heritage are quite clear. He's not about to tweak either to grab a few undecided votes.
Is he a "social democrat", or a "democratic socialist" ?

I heard him using both terms...
Sanders well knows that were he to win the nomination, right wingers would try to deride the fact that he is a socialist democrat (as if they knew what that really meant.)…..relying on the fact that the conservative base is too dumb to research what “socialism” really means….

However, should Sanders point out that he would be the first Jew to run for president? (Lieberman wan for the VP slot.)……After all, conservatives have long stated that they are the champions in supporting Israel………If Hillary can flaunt the gender card, and Rubio/Cruz can flaunt their Hispanic bona fides, why can’t Sanders flaunt his religious heritage?
The conservative base is chock-full-of know- nothing, mouth-breathers hence the ravings of iceweasel, Redfish, Soggy in Nola, etc...

Their retorts consist of "YABUT SOCIALIST!!! :crybaby:
You pro Bernie people do realize that Bernie has promoted expanding the government and government welfare programs for years? Do you really think this, and the costs of the same, is really what we need right now? Bernie is a dye hard leftist nut who goes to sleep at night KNOWING that he knows better than YOU what is good for you and what you need. He sincerely wants to implement a nanny state. If I was a Dem I think I would have to vote for Hillary. In reality I am a Republican and would stick my dick in a wood chipper before ever doing anything to support Hillary. But in a Hill vs. Bern contest I just do not see how anyone can hate America so much as to support someone like Bernie who is ultimately going to make you far less free than you are today.

If your vote for Bernie is just a vote against Hillary, then just go ahead and vote Republican.
Sanders well knows that were he to win the nomination, right wingers would try to deride the fact that he is a socialist democrat (as if they knew what that really meant.)…..relying on the fact that the conservative base is too dumb to research what “socialism” really means….

However, should Sanders point out that he would be the first Jew to run for president? (Lieberman wan for the VP slot.)……After all, conservatives have long stated that they are the champions in supporting Israel………If Hillary can flaunt the gender card, and Rubio/Cruz can flaunt their Hispanic bona fides, why can’t Sanders flaunt his religious heritage?
The conservative base is chock-full-of know- nothing, mouth-breathers hence the ravings of iceweasel, Redfish, Soggy in Nola, etc...

Their retorts consist of "YABUT SOCIALIST!!! :crybaby:

Strange that the know-nothings have fielded a racial mixture of candidates while you Liberals just have two old white "GUYS" campaigning. It's also strange that the Republicans are pretty well leading in the national polling. But do carry on with your bigotry.
You pro Bernie people do realize that Bernie has promoted expanding the government and government welfare programs for years? Do you really think this, and the costs of the same, is really what we need right now? Bernie is a dye hard leftist nut who goes to sleep at night KNOWING that he knows better than YOU what is good for you and what you need. He sincerely wants to implement a nanny state. If I was a Dem I think I would have to vote for Hillary. In reality I am a Republican and would stick my dick in a wood chipper before ever doing anything to support Hillary. But in a Hill vs. Bern contest I just do not see how anyone can hate America so much as to support someone like Bernie who is ultimately going to make you far less free than you are today.

If your vote for Bernie is just a vote against Hillary, then just go ahead and vote Republican.

Republican who?

Trump the crazy?
or Cruz the nutz?

People who are thinking to vote for Sanders could not care less about America or the people living inside.

They are nothing less selfish than the republicans cheering "death" for;
someone who doesn't have a health insurance and have a cancer
or people who couldn't pay for clean water to get poisoned at the end

People of America got poorer, and they dont give a shit if a guy comes along taking the "freedom" of "making tax free millions and billions" from the people who are doing well off in this country.

"Freedom" is not "free" after all, right......
Sanders well knows that were he to win the nomination, right wingers would try to deride the fact that he is a socialist democrat (as if they knew what that really meant.)…..relying on the fact that the conservative base is too dumb to research what “socialism” really means….

However, should Sanders point out that he would be the first Jew to run for president? (Lieberman wan for the VP slot.)……After all, conservatives have long stated that they are the champions in supporting Israel………If Hillary can flaunt the gender card, and Rubio/Cruz can flaunt their Hispanic bona fides, why can’t Sanders flaunt his religious heritage?
The conservative base is chock-full-of know- nothing, mouth-breathers hence the ravings of iceweasel, Redfish, Soggy in Nola, etc...

Their retorts consist of "YABUT SOCIALIST!!! :crybaby:

Strange that the know-nothings have fielded a racial mixture of candidates while you Liberals just have two old white "GUYS" campaigning. It's also strange that the Republicans are pretty well leading in the national polling. But do carry on with your bigotry.

We did vote in the first black president, not once, but twice.
Sanders well knows that were he to win the nomination, right wingers would try to deride the fact that he is a socialist democrat (as if they knew what that really meant.)…..relying on the fact that the conservative base is too dumb to research what “socialism” really means….

However, should Sanders point out that he would be the first Jew to run for president? (Lieberman wan for the VP slot.)……After all, conservatives have long stated that they are the champions in supporting Israel………If Hillary can flaunt the gender card, and Rubio/Cruz can flaunt their Hispanic bona fides, why can’t Sanders flaunt his religious heritage?
The conservative base is chock-full-of know- nothing, mouth-breathers hence the ravings of iceweasel, Redfish, Soggy in Nola, etc...

Their retorts consist of "YABUT SOCIALIST!!! :crybaby:

Strange that the know-nothings have fielded a racial mixture of candidates while you Liberals just have two old white "GUYS" campaigning. It's also strange that the Republicans are pretty well leading in the national polling. But do carry on with your bigotry.

not a bit strange as a matter of fact ... RW's are willing to accept dog catchers and derelicts as long as they speak party line bs.
Sanders well knows that were he to win the nomination, right wingers would try to deride the fact that he is a socialist democrat (as if they knew what that really meant.)…..relying on the fact that the conservative base is too dumb to research what “socialism” really means….

However, should Sanders point out that he would be the first Jew to run for president? (Lieberman wan for the VP slot.)……After all, conservatives have long stated that they are the champions in supporting Israel………If Hillary can flaunt the gender card, and Rubio/Cruz can flaunt their Hispanic bona fides, why can’t Sanders flaunt his religious heritage?
The conservative base is chock-full-of know- nothing, mouth-breathers hence the ravings of iceweasel, Redfish, Soggy in Nola, etc...

Their retorts consist of "YABUT SOCIALIST!!! :crybaby:

Strange that the know-nothings have fielded a racial mixture of candidates while you Liberals just have two old white "GUYS" campaigning. It's also strange that the Republicans are pretty well leading in the national polling. But do carry on with your bigotry.

"Republicans are pretty well leading in the national polling"

The hungry chicken would dream himself in the grain silo... :lmao:
You pro Bernie people do realize that Bernie has promoted expanding the government and government welfare programs for years? Do you really think this, and the costs of the same, is really what we need right now? Bernie is a dye hard leftist nut who goes to sleep at night KNOWING that he knows better than YOU what is good for you and what you need. He sincerely wants to implement a nanny state. If I was a Dem I think I would have to vote for Hillary. In reality I am a Republican and would stick my dick in a wood chipper before ever doing anything to support Hillary. But in a Hill vs. Bern contest I just do not see how anyone can hate America so much as to support someone like Bernie who is ultimately going to make you far less free than you are today.

You should (but probably do not) realize what a truly moronic assertion you are making…..equating democratic socialism with “less freedom”……..Have you ever wondered WHY the rest of the civilized world offers pretty much what Sanders is suggesting we should also have? Have you ever wondered that your assertion that we would be LESS free implies that ALL of our allies are living in enslaved nations?

For example, the economic powerhouse (and close ally to us) GERMANY offers the same exact “freebies” that Sanders is suggesting…..Germany may not have the same number of billionaires that we have in this country, but THEIR middle class fares better than ours.

You’ve bought in the uneducated and naïve notion that democratic socialism is tantamount to being a slave to the government…….and that is probably because you and others are silly enough to actually believe in “American exceptionalism” which is nothing but a right wing slogan to keep the sheep thinking that their often miserable life HAS to be better than what foreigners are experiencing…and THAT, my friend, is “mental slavery.”
You pro Bernie people do realize that Bernie has promoted expanding the government and government welfare programs for years? Do you really think this, and the costs of the same, is really what we need right now? Bernie is a dye hard leftist nut who goes to sleep at night KNOWING that he knows better than YOU what is good for you and what you need. He sincerely wants to implement a nanny state. If I was a Dem I think I would have to vote for Hillary. In reality I am a Republican and would stick my dick in a wood chipper before ever doing anything to support Hillary. But in a Hill vs. Bern contest I just do not see how anyone can hate America so much as to support someone like Bernie who is ultimately going to make you far less free than you are today.

If your vote for Bernie is just a vote against Hillary, then just go ahead and vote Republican.

You just supported Hillary!!
Your penis hate you oh so very much now!!

Never bet your dick!! First rule of manhood
You pro Bernie people do realize that Bernie has promoted expanding the government and government welfare programs for years? Do you really think this, and the costs of the same, is really what we need right now? Bernie is a dye hard leftist nut who goes to sleep at night KNOWING that he knows better than YOU what is good for you and what you need. He sincerely wants to implement a nanny state. If I was a Dem I think I would have to vote for Hillary. In reality I am a Republican and would stick my dick in a wood chipper before ever doing anything to support Hillary. But in a Hill vs. Bern contest I just do not see how anyone can hate America so much as to support someone like Bernie who is ultimately going to make you far less free than you are today.

If your vote for Bernie is just a vote against Hillary, then just go ahead and vote Republican.

Republican who?

Trump the crazy?
or Cruz the nutz?

People who are thinking to vote for Sanders could not care less about America or the people living inside.

They are nothing less selfish than the republicans cheering "death" for;
someone who doesn't have a health insurance and have a cancer
or people who couldn't pay for clean water to get poisoned at the end

People of America got poorer, and they dont give a shit if a guy comes along taking the "freedom" of "making tax free millions and billions" from the people who are doing well off in this country.

"Freedom" is not "free" after all, right......
What a disconnected, goofy Bastard you are. If it were up to me I'd kick your sorry, ungrateful, non-contributing ass out of this country!
You pro Bernie people do realize that Bernie has promoted expanding the government and government welfare programs for years? Do you really think this, and the costs of the same, is really what we need right now? Bernie is a dye hard leftist nut who goes to sleep at night KNOWING that he knows better than YOU what is good for you and what you need. He sincerely wants to implement a nanny state. If I was a Dem I think I would have to vote for Hillary. In reality I am a Republican and would stick my dick in a wood chipper before ever doing anything to support Hillary. But in a Hill vs. Bern contest I just do not see how anyone can hate America so much as to support someone like Bernie who is ultimately going to make you far less free than you are today.

You should (but probably do not) realize what a truly moronic assertion you are making…..equating democratic socialism with “less freedom”……..Have you ever wondered WHY the rest of the civilized world offers pretty much what Sanders is suggesting we should also have? Have you ever wondered that your assertion that we would be LESS free implies that ALL of our allies are living in enslaved nations?

For example, the economic powerhouse (and close ally to us) GERMANY offers the same exact “freebies” that Sanders is suggesting…..Germany may not have the same number of billionaires that we have in this country, but THEIR middle class fares better than ours.

You’ve bought in the uneducated and naïve notion that democratic socialism is tantamount to being a slave to the government…….and that is probably because you and others are silly enough to actually believe in “American exceptionalism” which is nothing but a right wing slogan to keep the sheep thinking that their often miserable life HAS to be better than what foreigners are experiencing…and THAT, my friend, is “mental slavery.”
Pure hogwash, every last word.
You pro Bernie people do realize that Bernie has promoted expanding the government and government welfare programs for years? Do you really think this, and the costs of the same, is really what we need right now? Bernie is a dye hard leftist nut who goes to sleep at night KNOWING that he knows better than YOU what is good for you and what you need. He sincerely wants to implement a nanny state. If I was a Dem I think I would have to vote for Hillary. In reality I am a Republican and would stick my dick in a wood chipper before ever doing anything to support Hillary. But in a Hill vs. Bern contest I just do not see how anyone can hate America so much as to support someone like Bernie who is ultimately going to make you far less free than you are today.

If your vote for Bernie is just a vote against Hillary, then just go ahead and vote Republican.

Republican who?

Trump the crazy?
or Cruz the nutz?

People who are thinking to vote for Sanders could not care less about America or the people living inside.

They are nothing less selfish than the republicans cheering "death" for;
someone who doesn't have a health insurance and have a cancer
or people who couldn't pay for clean water to get poisoned at the end

People of America got poorer, and they dont give a shit if a guy comes along taking the "freedom" of "making tax free millions and billions" from the people who are doing well off in this country.

"Freedom" is not "free" after all, right......
What a disconnected, goofy Bastard you are. If it were up to me I'd kick your sorry, ungrateful, non-contributing ass out of this country!

Well, you can't kick it, but you could kiss it if you want :D
"..relying on the fact that the conservative base is too dumb to research what “socialism” really means…"

The O. P. contained the above quote to which I take umbrage.

I think that all of the O.P.'s posts are imbued with a priceless concurrence of impudence and stupidity.

I doubt that the O.P. understands how "Socialism" actually works. Numbskulls, like the O. P., have repeatedly believed that they have it figured out. One of the latest iterations is:

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Which sounds good to the very young and the very foolish...those who have never taken the time to investigate past experiences and outcomes...they are always the same.....Failure, again and again...because Human Nature is intimately, inextricably involved....and it doesn't change, except maybe over the eons.

In actual Socialistic practice, as the Russians learned most recently....the Needy always turn out to be way more numerous than the Able (& willing to Work Hard). The cancer of Socialism.....for which there is no that the class of the Needy constantly grows, with a consequent diminishment in the group who's Incentive to be productive has been taken away.

That's it. That's why the Soviet Union collapsed....a more complicated and far vaster undertaking than the Utopian Communes they used to try from time to time in America...but with the same dependence on Human Nature being something it is not....and so with the same inevitable failure.

I think the O. P. is an imbecile filled with childish fallacies...which he shares with us a bit too often.

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